I'm thinking about deleting "Hell Yeah it Hurts" I don't have the time to finish it now or in the foreseeable future.I don't like starting to read a story to find it unfinished myself.On the plus side it is near and dear to my heart so I would like to eventually finish it and repost it.I'm in college now working my way through English Comp 1 this semester and Comp2 next one.So when I finally get back to work on it there should be a vast improvement in how its written.I would like to thank to all who've read and left comments on it my apologys for leaving you without an ending and your feedback is welcome.
Amy - consider asking for it to be unpublished instead
Erin can unpublish a story, and that way if and when you do get back to it, it can be republised and you will not lose all of your comments, etc.
Why not let us Unpublish the story instead?
That way it stays on the server but invisible. And you can come back and add to it or redo it when you are ready.
Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf
Please don't
Please don't remove the story. Every story is precious. If you want to do a rewrite, thats great. Then you can publish it and people can look at both and see for themselves how much you have grown as a writer.
Jessica Marie
Hell Yeah it Hurts
Amym; Why remove or hide this story, you can always come back later an amend it like some have done with other stories then it is still available to be read by us all. Even though I myself have not read this other then look at it, there are so many stories that I follow on this site, sometime it is hard to start reading all of them. So sometime when there is a slow time when those I follow are not able keep some stories going due to problems with life I go back and read those that I have skip over like yours for one. Richard
I can unpub stories quite easily
And repub them just as easily. But a deleted story loses all the comments that it had and, frankly, to me is just overkill.
Deleting a story because you don't currently have time to finish it, well, let's just say if I and other wirters had done that with some of the early stories here, BigCloset would not exist because in the early day, most of the serials began were not finished, sometimes for years. Like Kelly Girl by Wanda.
Hugs but please do not delete stories when they can easily be unpubbed if that is what you wish.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Don't delete
At most let Erin unpublish it.
Or add a tag, incomplete, On hiatus or something like that
For a work you feel will sit incomplete for an indetermiant time and you feel is not as good as you might wish it is very good IMHO.
I hope school and RL allow you to continue it.
Even I, the great procrastinator, FINALLY sent the next Timeout chapters off for proofing this AM assuming my long-suffering proofer/editor has the time. See, even slobs like me can get creative on something that was stuck. It's been well over a year for me.
Do concentrate on school and RL but consider reworking and continuing your story, Amy. It's already good and loaded with promise. Use it along with school to improve your already considerable skills.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
What, your going to matriculate?
I don't know that I'd pull the story. Rather, perhaps you could simply leave it where it is, go off and rewrite it, replace it on the web page, and then do a big blog saying that you have done so.
If you have a major in mind regarding college, English Comp 1 & 2 would be a requirement. Later you could take creative writing and be a Literature or Business Major. Just taking a quick look at "Hell Yes It Hurts", I see that you can put sentences together in a rational manner. The "form" of your dialogue seems a bit strange, but I am sure that you could check some books out of the Library to help with that. Do be careful with College will you? Don't allow them to stifle your creativity, OK?
If however, you want to be a good writer, I think that there is rather a lot you can learn right here at BCTS. There are several very good writers here and I am fairly sure that none of them would object to your reading their work as instructional material.
Please take what I say with a grain of salt? If you look me up on BCTS you will quickly see that I am not one of the big name writers here.
Many Blessings
I'll be honest..... I took
I'll be honest..... I took both CompI and CompII...... The only way my writing got any better even after all the classes was to write more stories! I will say that the classes will give you some idea of how a story is put together, but a lot of it is just a sort off "Go Do It' type thing. It's when you apply what you learn into something you really, really like doing that it actually will make sense.
Please don't 'unpublish' or 'delete' the story. It may be a long time before you get back o it, but I can tell you will get back to it. It could also be a start on one heck of shocker for your Comp classes!!
Even the unfinished stories have a way of garnering interest. After all, the entire 'Season of Change/ Jane Thompson' series of stories started with an unfinished work!!
Huggs and good luck in class!
Lisa Elizabeth
Consider writing a short quick (unsatisfactory) ending - for now, so the story is "complete" (and say, in an epilogue, that this is a temporary ending, but don't expect a good one for a few years).
This lets you leave an enjoyable story - and not leave it "unfinished". I do understand where you are, and all...
Annette (who is way behind on her writing).