Part three of my story Hell yeah it hurts has been sent to Holly Logan for editing.I'm still experimenting trying to post my story here but I'm just not able to copy and paste outside of my documents or office 2007.It's frustrating that I can email it to anyone with office 2007 but I can't post it.Hopefully soon I'll get it figured out and thanks for all the support and to anyone who has dared to read my story.Amy
I use Word
As I'm sure do many here. Mines an oldie, but it works just fine and I have no prob copying and pasting to this site. Do you highlight and copy from an open document or the file?
A couple of months ago a friend sent me a doc as was common. Except this one was a docx...huh. So a quick google and it seems it's Word 2007. Download an addon converter thingie and away we go. Maybe that's the problem. I save all my stuff as rtf files and not docs and have no trouble anywhere. I lose a little in the formatting possibilities but as I don't know an HT from an ML it really doesn't bother me. You can always go in and edit if a few lines are slightly off or whatever. Or perhaps beg aid from one of those knowledgable types we have here. I don't know why Word '07 would be different but maybe it is...that's the only one I've found though.
Some of the things Ive tried
I have tried using note pad but when I sent it to Holly she was unable to read it.So I converted it to notebook and resent it to her and hopefully now she'll be able to see it.As far as I can tell mostly I've been filing it as a doc other than when copied as notepad.I have tried to copy and paste it numerous different ways to incude with both windows open and highlighted.I have noticed about downloadable add ons and I have also been checking out the blog feature.It would be nice if someone else had experienced the difficultys I've been and had a solution.I will spend some more time looking at the add ons and maybe try some.Thank you to everyone who has commented.Amy M
Just as an aside
I have found that, for whatever reason, I have to have both the program I want to "copy from" AND the program I want to "copy to" open in order for the copy and paste to work. I don't know why but it is that way on my Windows XP and Office 2007 pc (it works fine on my xp/2003 box).
And speaking of M$, I found a nice utilty that fixed a problem my mother was having. She demands to use IE and is tired of the flash ads and other bugs. The name of the addin is IE7Pro. Just in case people out there don't want to switch to a w3c compliant browser.
Oh, and it has inline spell-checking for those that are spelling challenged...
ps I think you are doing great with your story hon, keep up the good work :)
Office Clipboard
I've been using Word2007 for a month or so without encountering a similar problem. There is however mention in the help files about an 'Office Clipboard', so it may be that you're copying to this not the Windows Clipboard. I'll have a bit more of a dig as I'm a bit intrigued. Have you tried saving the document as a txt file and opening with Notepad?
As you may have all noticed, her second attempt worked
I was able to read it, edit it, and post part for her
BTW, Amy, I can open and work in .docx format on my laptop using the converter mentioned above, and from it, can convert to .rtf that my other computers can handle.
One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness.
It usually comes back to you.
It's a while since I posted a story but ...
... I found difficulty posting by cut and paste when using my usual Firefox browser. It worked OK using IE7 which I have but rarely use. It may be different now and it may have been finger trouble on my part. Perhaps worth a try.
As it has for me
But I use Firefox and I have no trouble.
What annoys me most is losing any formatting, so I try and keep that to a minimum and insert manually afterwards.
Since I tend to get a teardrop right at the crucial moment when posting, I tend to select all and copy in case everything goes Pete Tong before I've finished, just as a safeguard, but Firefox remembers the postdata and asks if you want to resend.
If it happens click refresh not back.