If you haven't, may I humbly suggest you go and do so? Grover has improved with each posting, and this story is no exception to that rule. I truly believe that this Grover's best effort yet, and being a friend of hers, I want everyone to see and appreciate this wonderfully funny story. If you have a funny bone, this tale will give it a good workout. I've never done anything like this before, and I hope Grover will forgive me for gushing about her story, but it's just that darned good. See for yourself.
Hugs 'n love,
Catherine Linda Michel
Shy church mouse peeks out from behind huge colorful marquee blinded by the bright lights and flashing display. More than a little awed by the attention, she bows and quickly scampers back into the safety of the shadows.
Thank you, .... I think. :)
Get used to it grover,
Get used to it grover, you're a star! ;) I Need A Hero is a great story everyone, go read it!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
I need a hero --
Yes, I agree with Catherine...
Grover has a very good tale here (despite scampering back into the shadows).
I was so taken with her wonderful and humerous story that I Pm'd her to let her know how I felt. (I don't place that many public comments but tend to remain a bit private myself)
A very good work and worth the read, along with so many others which I tend to follow as subsequent chapters post.
God Bless You All...