I don't know if this counts as fiction so I decided to put it here. This is a somewhat humorous explanation of what a transsexual is. The original is posted on http://mylittleplaceinspace.com All comments about the text are very welcome.
The Life of the Transsexual Creature
The transsexual is a creature of the human species, just as much as the catholic, the politician, and the homosexual, even though it might be hard to comprehend. We have studied a transsexual for a longer period of time and will here present the results.
The Human Species and the Transsexual
"How can a transsexual be of the human species?" This answer is quite simple, the transsexual is conceived by human parents, if we may call them so. Two human beings are joined in the act of copulation, around nine months later the human so called female give birth to a child. The parents do not yet know that the child is actually, a transsexual but we will come to that later. The child might get a normal human upbringing, and nothing might be noticed, in the subject of our study the transsexual did not show any signs of being a transsexual during the upbringing, that anyone noticed. Now we will move on and look at some of the habits of the transsexual.
Food and Drinks
The transsexual we studied ate normal, human food, and drank normal human drinks. We have seen it eat, for example, fruit, nuts, vegetables, and meat, and it has also been seen drinking water, milk, carbonated soft drinks, and lemonade. But this particular transsexual seems to have an aversion towards drinks containg alcohol, and towards coffee. Though as we understand, many transsexual individuals use those liquids, and has no, taste or moral, problems with them. The favourite foods of this transsexual seem to be high in fat and sugar, caffeinated soft drinks are also consumed, in what might be seemed as unhealthy amounts. This however is not unusual within the human species.
The transsexual much like other humans need air, which contains oxygen, to breath, this is necessary for many processes in the body. And the food and drinks are the fuel of the transsexual body, as it is for most humans. Transsexuals are creatures that like to have contact with other human creatures, if they are alone longer periods of time, they may come to suffer from psychological problems, this is also similar to other human creatures. The transsexual also need sleep which is an important normally daily recuperation process, this process does usually take place during the dark hours, or night, as it is called, but not necessarily. Lets move on again.
As many know, the human is a highly sexual creature and does not have specific periods of mating. Female/male is the most common couple when it comes to intercourse. But there are many men who only prefer men, and many females that only prefer females, so called homosexuals. There are also those for whom it does not matter which sex the partner has, those are called bisexuals. The transsexual creature can be of any of these variations, and probably others that we have not mentioned.
The Transsexual Creature of our study
Lets take a look an the transsexual creature of our study again. The transsexual showed no outward signs of being a transsexual while growing up, as we mentioned previously. When the transsexual grew up, it learned that being different was scorned upon, and it knew, assumably because of strong survival instincts in the human species, that it had to be as much like all other "normal" human beings as possible. Inside, this transsexual, that was born as a being of the human so called male sex, struggled with the feelings that something was horribly wrong, and that it should have been born as a being of the female sex. The transsexual did not yet know it was a so called transsexual.
According to some studies the transsexual does have a brain similar to the sex opposite of the sex of the body it was born with. From now on we will call "the brain sex" for "gender", and the sex of the body for "sex". So the gender of a person born with a male body, as the object of our study, can have a female gender. Luckily there are some things that can be done, but we will get back to that.
Our transsexual grows up feeling very depressed most of the times, and tries to just follow the normal processes of human daily life. The feeling of unsatisfaction and distraction could probably be noticed by any observant being. But, the transsexual hid it quite well from most beings. It tried finding out more about what it was, when it one day found the word "transsexual", and it now knew what had been wrong the past 18, or so, years. However, our transsexual still have some survival instinct and won't give away that it is different. The transsexual has stayed away from most close relationships, so it might have been seen as different anyhow, but it is a more socially accepted kind of different, in the human society.
Now our transsexual wants to know more about transsexuals and find all the information it can, it finds out about gender, and the sex of the body. It finds out about things like sexual reassignment surgery and that there is help to be found. Now a few more years have passed, our transsexual is getting more and more desperate, and thinks about suicide, to end the feelings that has become harder, and harder to surpress. However our transsexual somehow still has a will to live, it calls for help. Doctors and nurses talks to the transsexual, the transsexual get medication to feel better, here our transsexual is 27 years of age. The transsexual moves on with the knowledge it will get help, but after about a month away from the health care our transsexual finds that things just can't go on. The transsexual attempts suicide, however change its mind, and calls for help. The transsexual survives. It gets to talk to more nurses, and doctors, and is soon referred to a specialist, and meets with the specialist. The transsexualgets subjected to psychological tests and talks to the specialists a few times.
Here the study of our subject ends for now, in the future lies: real life test, medical evaluation, hormone therapy, sexual reassignment surgery.
Some Information
This is my way of trying to explain transsexualism in a somewhat humorous, short, and easy way. This is not supposed to be factual, this represent some of my own views, and studies mentioned might not be agreed with, by all medical professionals. There are a wide variety of opinion on this subject. If you are interested in knowing more about transsexualism look at the links on my link page. Or follow some of the links on this site.
I would appreciate your comments, and suggestions to this text, feel free to send me an e-mail. (I don't mind suggestions, on grammar or spelling, either, since English is not my first language.)
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