I get an opportunity for an update!
I apologise for not posting before but its been quite an eventful week which i'll try to summarise.
Friday - I headed off after breakfast to ride the 50 miles to York for the cycle rally, it was a warm day and a tail wind took me up quite quickly despite the bike being loaded for camping.
Saturday - Part of the rally experience is taking part in the group rides, i elected to do the 'Tour of York', a 110km circuit around the city. It was warm and we were all glad to get back to the rally site at York racecourse.
Sunday - Rather than more cycling, on the Sunday i had arranged to spend the day with my kidlings who travelled across from Leeds for the day. The grandson enjoyed the castle and ice cream and i was able to catchup with the daughters news, a new job and post divorce house move. Back at the site we endured a thunderstorm before a couple of us went for a curry - my feet by now complaining from all the walking!
Monday - Time to go home, everything was packed and we set off for our respective homes @ 7.30am. my feet were complaining, my back too, as my route headed directly into a stiff headwind. I had planned to go visit dad when i got back but i was in a sorry state so had to postpone.
Tuesday - My feet were a bit better at least so i went to see dad, the news was good, he was ready to be discharged, not home but to a sort of convalescence home which will make things easier for visiting and hopefully improve his mobility before he returns home. It was just a matter of waiting for a place. On the back of that, i discussed with my brother the way forward, i will stay through the weekend then return to Brizzle next week once he's settled in at the home.
Wednesday - i was still quite sore at the feet and back but i had arranged to spend the day with a friend and go for a ride on his wifes E-bike so off i went. Well the ride was only 50km but it was great fun and my aches and pains were no worse through the day as we caught up on each others lives. There was news from the 'actual' invalid, he had a place and he'd be moving Thursday.
Thursday - that's today of course! i had a bad night, my back was giving me a lot of gip, its muscle strain related to the bad foot but i couldn't get comfortable at all. On the plus side the cause of the pain is much better this morning which is just as well as i'm off to the chiropodist in a bit, maybe i won't get shouted at too much. Hopefully this afternoon / evening i'll be visiting Dad at the new place which is about a twenty minute walk from the house.
Looking ahead, i'll get you a Gaby chapter posted at the weekend and i'll take myself out for a ride most likely tomorrow or Saturday.
I think that just about wraps everything up, for now then,
Madeline Anafrid