It's only a matter of time before we join the list of books banned in many states of the USA. When the Right-Wingers have finished going after the children and their parents and the doctors who treat them, then they are going to come after what they see as those who encourage and/or educate them.
That's US, folks. They can't burn our books but they can ban us from the internet and restrict us in many ways. Do you think we'll get any help from the tech giants?
Think again.
I fear you could be right
The rightwing joined by certain feminists see us as men in skirts, corrupting the young by education, by opening their minds to their supposed rights and telling them they can be who they would like to be. Admittedly, some of the stories could be considered porn and would be by the self-righteous bigots and morons, who make up the Republicans. There are some very articulate women in our movement, I hope they will prevail. The rise of the right means the chances of a major conflict also rise, yet they seem uninterested about the rise of dictators around the world, like the clown that was in the white house before Biden, supported Putin. We need sanity to reach large parts of the electorate, but it isn't likely to happen. they're to stupid and uninterested.
Hide in the closet, die anyway.
Book bannings I can survive. But the extremists are already openly planning to exterminate us, and as we've already seen, what yesterday was seen as off-the-wall crazy is now today's unremarkable everyday routine. I forsee that as becoming an essential Republican Party platform plank by 2028, if not sooner.
But no matter what they do, there will always be trans people. There's written documentation that we existed 5 millenia ago, which is about as far back as there has been writing. No matter what they do to us, some of us -- we who are now alive, but also our children and our children's children -- will decide that living our truth is worth the risk.
A long time ago (long before I ever thought of myself as trans), when I first set out on this journey to be myself, and not what I thought people required me to be, I worried about what horrible things "they" might do to me. But then I realized: if I lock myself in my closet, I will have chosen not to live at all. I'm going to die sooner or later anyway -- I might get run over by a bus tomorrow -- so what am I saving myself for?
And so I resolved to go out into the world as myself, or at least as much myself as I can figure out.
If they kill me, they kill me.
But I want to live before I die.
Every day brings more fascism
Love, Andrea Lena
Preaching To the Choir
It would seem logical that blogs like this would be unnecessary on a site that is dedicated to transgender fiction.
Unfortunately that isn't the case.
There are BC members who are singing out of the far right hymnal.
Those members offer excuses for the Republican party by suggesting the current anti trans law craze is a reaction to extreme demands from the far left. It is not. It is not. It is red meat designed to bring out their base and increase contributions. It's also a means to condition the masses to losing rights.
Also, there are members who suggest both parties are engaged in anti trans messaging. Those members offer as proof the NYT's articles. What the NYT printed was horrible and they have been roundly criticized for their lack of journalistic integrity on the issue. The NYT does not represent the Democrats party on this issue.
I'm not aware of any Democratic sponsored anti trans legislation. In my state our legislature is busily passing legislation to make Minnesota a safe haven for trans youth forced out of neighboring states. That legislation is sure to pass the Dem controlled legislature and will be signed by our Dem governor.
Those of you who know some of my life story know that several Democrats state officials conspired to rob me of millions with an attempt to libel me as a embezzler. It was through the efforts of a friend who served as Republican AG and Governor that I was able to revive my career. Later on a Dem AG screwed me out of several millions.
In general I think politicians are gross reptiles. But at this time one party has elected to become authoritarian. Because of that we all need to throw support behind the left.
The Republican party is overtly trying to legislate trans people out of existence.
If you don"t believe me watch the video Trump posted on his website on 1/31.
He states that no one ever heard of transgender until just a few years ago when the radical left invented it.
You might dismiss Trump but that would ignore recent polls.
Now is not the time for tolerance of misinformation.
I live in a very progressive city in a very progressive state. Yet, just last week a trans woman was brutally beaten by two men. Would have this assault occurred if she wasn't trans? Are trans phobes being given a green light for violence by the Republican party who is spreading lies about gender dysphoria?
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Fear Mongering isn't the Answer
Nor is spreading discord among us going to help. When I tried to get my birth certificate changed I contacted every LGBT affiliated organization working in Oklahoma for assistance. If nothing else legal help in how to write and file a claim for relief in court. Crickets. Absolutely no response from any of them. There was a less expensive way of correcting all my Oklahoma licenses than court. I applied for and received a new passport. Then the long process of forcing every government agency and the VA to issue new licenses and IDs.
This week allowing my stupidity to once again run ahead of intelligence, I contacted every LGBT organization who "claim" to be working in Oklahoma. I posted my idea Oklahoma or any state laws against transgender are illegal. The laws against transgender has focused on discrimination against a single particular class of people. They acknowledge transgender is a class of people by their own admission passing laws focused on this class. To refuse them medical and professional support and help.
There are federal laws passed many years back forbidding this particular discrimination. These laws have been tested and won in state and even the U.S. Supreme Court. They have passed the legal test time and time again.
It's a little early but I haven't received a single response from any of the LGBT state or national organizations. Honestly, I don't expect them to respond. They tossed us aside once before when laws were passed giving gays rights. Less than a million in a population of over four hundred million, we don't have the numbers to threaten anyone politically.
Trying to educate, get politicians, MSM, and others to read the Scientific Medical Journals why transgender is or isn't, is an effort in futility. Educating themselves on a subject they have read and heard about, every thing they need to know they already read in the tabloids and news articles This is all the knowledge they need before they pass laws or repeat the lies and misinformation.
You want an answer? I'll give you an answer. We're screwed until this gets into the courts and legal system. Fighting among ourselves as to who has the straightest seams on her nylons isn't intelligent. Go ahead and wait for the White Knight to come and rescue you. Good luck with that. Our friends number even less than our own body count.
I'm not sorry I am transgender. It's been a hell of a ride and an experience very few understand or experience. Not a life I would wish on my worse enemy but that's another story.
Barbie Jean Lee
God if you love me, a little help please corralling this bunch of cats.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Fear Mongering????
You need to watch this and understand that Trump is the Republican party.
What world are you living in that thinks our current SCOTUS will be favorable to any gender questions?
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
What World?
You want a pedigree? I've been registered as a Demoncrat, Independent, Republican. The past two national elections I held my nose and voted for Donald. I can't stand him. What the Demoncrats are putting up I can stand even less. I . I will never claim to be smart or intelligent.
Don't care if a person is running as a Demoncrat or Republican or Independent. I judge what they have done not the political party they are affiliated with. Tunnel Vision won't save this nation.
Hugs Jill
Looking back we have twenty twenty vision of what we did right or wrong. The future is only our best plan among so many.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
It is strange how in the
It is strange how in the "Land of the free" you seem to be less free to be yourselves than in some communist countries.
Freedom is only for a "certain type" of person.
Free -- for some
The USA has always been "free" -- for the right kind of people.
When it was established, the "right kind" were basically white, male, Protestant Christian landowners. (People who didn't own land couldn't vote. And of course, black people and Natives have never been the "right kind".)
Over the years, that definition has been gradually enlarged, due to a lot of pressure and changes in society (mainly capitalism, so that wealth no longer mainly came from owning an estate.) But there have always been constant attempts to scale freedoms back, cf. the gradual crippling of voting rights laws.
Paranoia Perhaps
Nothing chases away the fear more than truth even if it takes awhile. Sorry I I'm late for this thread, but I was busy reading some the fine literature I get here.
The truth being told is that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. That can be money or votes. A lot of our elected officials (yes SCOTUS is elected by secondary process) are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. They are easily led astray by venom spewing snake oil sales persons. The despicable crew that worked the crowd at CPAC this last weekend will not kill conservatism.
Michigan got labeled "red" in 2016 when it was credited as win for Trump. This was treated as fact by all radio, television, newspapers, and future polls. The reality was that too many people were swayed by squeaky wheels against Hilary Clinton. The "red" label remained in 2018 when the top three elected state officials became Democratic ( and female also). One was even gay. The Republicans house and senate complained about the trio for the work that did to help the population through a pandemic all through 2020 and with the state houses remaining Republican the state label remained "red" . 2022 found the trio re-elected over the "Trump got robbed and right to life over women's body" Crowd. The state houses swung Democratic.
Last week the houses killed the old 1931 law that denied any form of abortion and was busy working LGBTQ+ into ongoing human rights legislation.
Have faith people. All is not lost
It may be okay there,
but the rightwing have been preparing the electorate for years, they fight very dirty and will go on until they are either voted out of office or overturned by public opinion. Most are supposedly god fearing Christians, but they have no love for anyone outside their coven, and the person whom they purport to worship would be disgusted by them. They are effectively Nazis in sheep's clothing and until people understand they will be a problem for years to come, the poison in their minds goes deep.
They won't stop
until the entire USA is like the world described in 'A Handmaids Tale'.
That book and 1984 were warnings not handbooks on creating a dystopia.
many people in the that once proud country are sleepwalking into a nightmare of immense proportions.
Newspeak will be the rule of the day. Criticise the 'Dear Leader' and you will be sent to room 101 and then the Gulags.
I have put forward what I saw as a very plain point of view on a humanitarian problem and some members of this community are still trying to conflate and justify it into a political problem.
I don't give a shit if the people trying to deny us the right to exist are leftists or rightists. The fact is that they are trying very hard to legislate us out of existence. When that fails it will be mental hospitals, prisons and jails, and after that it will be total denial and removal from society by force.
Can't you see the moves? The Nazis knew how to do it and they're operating in a large number of US states right now. Easy, just dehumanise us.
Spare me your platitudes about whether we did it to ourselves by being too pushy, or it's the Democrats' fault and you're pure because you've supported them all. The fact is that the rabid, religious RIGHT is out to EXTERMINATE us and we had better get our shit together.