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When I look at In Memoriam I see a list of many people I interacted with. . .some extensively.

I’m struck by the knowledge that many of these people died quite suddenly. Most had very little warning.

I’m 74. According to the insurance tables, I have about twelve years to go. But. . ..

My eyes then glance to other parts of the front page. Money issues are a constant for Big Closet.

I’ve done considerable fund-raising. One non-profit -- that I was the first chairmen of the board for -- has raised over $8 million. One method of fund-raising is asking donors to make your cause a beneficiary of their life insurance.

I have considerable life insurance and my heirs would not miss a small percentage of it that would go to BC. I have two or three other organizations that I will similarly endow.

I will arrange for $25,000 to go to BC upon my death.

Others here might have similar ability. You might think . . . by the time I die, BC might not even be around. I‘m fairly certain most on the In Memoriam list would have thought the same within years of their deaths.

What do other BC users think of this kind of endowment planning?



My life insurance

erin's picture

My policy for $100,000 is also set up to go to keeping BC running.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Already done

I've made a number of bequests in my will. Most of my estate will go to charity (which is free of tax here in the UK) but a five-figure sum will be heading towards this site.

Interesting Idea

Erisian's picture

While I hope to be around for many more years, this idea has a lot of appeal. My writings are only available one other place, so for vanity's sake regarding what remains whenever I depart this plane of existence...that alone is tempting to the ol' ego. :) I'd need to discuss with my spouse, but for a reasonable amount I doubt she'd have any objections. (She's not objected to any of the donations to date...though she may not have bothered to investigate them, I manage all the bills and accounts. She has full access, mind you - but she hates dealing with it. lol)

Will have to think on it a bit more, but it's an excellent idea!

Your concern

Angharad's picture

about BC's finances is shared by many, although I suspect you live in a very different world to many of us, I have not achieved anything like the fundraising you have, I accept there is more money in America, but also much poverty, so your charitable work is much appreciated I'm sure. Having had a brush with my own mortality, I'm told 95% of people who suffer strokes in the pons die, I'm lucky I survived and am improving all the time. My ex has told me to make my will, I shall and I will leave something to BC so they can continue with their work. It will be small, as I don't have millions but as they say, every little helps. I urge others to do the same especially if BC has helped them.

Don't be like most of our readers, do something useful and sign up to help BC to protect it for the future.



I lived in a community with some very wealthy people.

Most of them couldn't tie the shoes of caregivers like you.

Some were very nice people.

The bell curve applies to the very rich just like everyone else.

Your stories have exposed you to be an empathetic person I would like to meet.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)