I came across this on youtube.
The Experiment: Are you sure you don't gender-stereotype children in the toys you choose for them?
Men, (apparently) have better spacial awareness than women. I know my spouse and my mother are useless when it comes to knowing where we are, and directions etc. My mother drives and has got lost a few times. Women are better at emotional related issues and empathy etc.
It has been though that these are innate differeces in male and female brains.
What if it is down to the way we are raised from birth. Many of you will know about the "John/Joan" case.
David was nearly 2 when they began raising him as female. Perhaps it would have been different if it was earlier?
Does the way we are treated at an early age affect our brain and gender development?
If girls were encouraged to play with more "boys" toys there would perhaps be more female engineers. Or boys play with "girls" toys, there would be more men in the caring professions.
Blue eyes or Brown eyes
The color of one's eyes is programmed in the womb. There is no changing the color except with contacts. A person may drink, smoke, dress like everyone else or do foolish stupid things because "everyone is doing it". They may be taught or brainwashed to fit into certain groups.
The girl was told she was transsexual and went with the idea. Later in life she decided she wasn't and regretted everything she had done to make her body fit the mold of a male. The horror stories of being deprogrammed after believing one is trans goes back to the late forties. Institutionalized, a lobotomy, mind blowing drugs, electric shock were all used on many who were transgendered. Deprogramming camps came along afterwards when transsexuals weren't deemed insane enough to warrant such radical treatments.
Male to Female and Female to Male transsexual is not a black and white issue as most everyone wants it to be. There are degrees of how deeply each individual feels they are in the wrong body. And as usual, politics and society as a whole hasn't a clue what to do about it or with it, screwing up by passing laws and judgment calls to fix what they don't understand.
Remember the blue eyes and brown eyes were programmed in from the beginning in the womb? Transgender is the same. It can't be changed after one is born. One either is or isn't transgender. The question is how much of the opposite gender brain did one get?
We need understanding and support from the medical professionals and the business professionals. And I wish like hell government and all the liberals would stay out of our lives.
Hugs Leanna
When we finally understand everything we realize we know nothing.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
I agree that liberals have created some problems. Humans do that. But anti-trans is not a liberal issue. In fact, it isn't a conservative issue either.
Here's a poll from a year ago. Only 26% of liberals support legislation that would prohibit gender transition-related medical care for minors. Even more revealing to me is that only 26% of conservatives support legislation that would prohibit gender transition-related medical care for minors. NO DIFFERENCE!
So . . . why are red-state legislators and governors in an intense battle to prove themselves transphobic? The answer is the same answer you get in most issues. Follow the money. The conservative base is as crazy as the democratic base. The base is made up of a lot of people who vote - and more importantly. . .donate. All you have to do in politics today to become wealthy is to pander to whatever nonsense your base thinks is realistic. All you have to do to have a top-rated cable "news" show is to pander to whatever nonsense your base thinks is realistic.
The majority of the Republican base is apparently transphobic. Once again, our laws are being skewed by a mouthy minority.
The majority of the Democratic base has its own peccadillos regarding socialism, redistribution of wealth, and globalization. The majority of Democrats don't share the base's views.
I believe in capitalism. While I understand Bernie's arguments I would never vote for him for president or support mass redistribution. I was appalled by the path Bill took us on in globalization. . .especially in the area of education.
I'm a classic liberal. Classical liberals are committed to individualism, liberty, and equal rights. There is NOTHING in my liberal values that are a threat to transgender.
I will agree with the argument that some little boys and girls are being coaxed into a non-binary world by well-intentioned educators. That's bound to happen. I was convinced when I was young that I wanted to become a monk. The difference is no one tried to tell me I was mentally disturbed for thinking that way as they would have had I spoken to my true nature.
Educators have to walk a fine line. But they do that every day on many issues.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Conservatives are the worse on this issue
Thanks to Jill, I was reminded just how ignorant, stupid, clueless conservatives are when it comes to trans. Their fix is to pass laws against anyone and everything trans including medical, science, and parental support. If one's child is trans don't support them or go to prison for ten years while the kid is put in foster care. God..., that will work out so well for all concerned. Oklahoma, Alabama, Texas, Arkansas, etc has passed laws forbidding trans care until one becomes an adult. Everyone has been put on hold by Federal Judges. If these insane laws aren't judged illegal, suicide rates will skyrocket.
Is it too late to cash in my chips and bail out on humanity:
Hugs Jill, love you sweety
Government has never touched anything they haven't made worse.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Please don’t take this the wrong way
But many people really do not want to hear about American politics. We all know about the anti trans sentiments in lower USA at moment. The main theme is about video posted on YouTube and social norms programmed into us.
Anti Trans Is Not Simply a Southern Redneck Issue
By my count, there are anti-trans bills pending in thirty-one of our fifty states. Please re-read my post. This is not a conservative versus liberal issue. This is pure demagoguery. Seventy percent of the U. S. population seems to favor trans acceptance.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
It does amaze me how
It does amaze me how politicians seem to think they have the right to have a say in what people do with theirown bodies. Abortion for one.
Thanks Barb. Now my mother
Thanks Barb. Now my mother knows about me. She told me out of her 3 boys I was always the girlier one. I was quite, didn't want to play footbal with the other boys(much). I used to walk on my toes for a while. I got that shamed out of me by my brothers and father.
A female work colleague always touches my arms and the back of my hands, she says I have the softest skin of anyone she has met. She asked me what I used.LOL
I wonder if te world would be a better place if we all dressed and wee treated the same. It might stop the "macho" crap that dominates some world leaders.
Going to have to disagree on a few points.
Men get lost far more and faster than women….then don’t admit it. When you ask a women where east is she will usually point that way easily, they generally have to stop and think about where any other direction is.
Personally I have found the
Personally I have found the opposite. Possibly due to my age. Many of the women I know didn't start driving until later in their lives.
When you think about supposed male and female traits. We were hunter gathering for 90% of human history.
Women have better manual dexterity than men. Better color perception. Less prone to be color blind. Excellent characteristics for gathering. Supposed better multitasking. Keeping an eye out for the kids or trouble while working. They are more resistant to disease. Necessay to stay around to nurture the next generation.
Men apparently better at concentrating on one task. Faster and more robust bodies. Men apparently take risks more than women.Excellent for hunting.
I wonder if some of these traits are nurture rather than nature.
Nature vs. Nurture
"We were hunter gathering for 90% of human history."
Closer to 97% actually. We've only been agricultural for about 6k years out of the 200k years of our existence as homo sapiens.
"I wonder if some of these traits are nurture rather than nature."
Highly unlikely. For a quarter-million years we've bred for strong masculine men and robust and adaptable women. These traits are innate. One need look no further than John Money and Bruce / David Reimer. Bruce was less than a year old when his penis was burned to the point of being useless and Money advised that his parents give him SRS and raise him as a girl. It didn't work and Reimer killed himself after trying to reverse it.
If the suggestion is that the first 7 months define your gender, I call that extremely poor science and dangerously close to someone suggesting, "Money was right... we just didn't start soon enough!" We are the way we are made and nothing can change it. Are aspects of gender presentation learned? Surely. I dress like a woman of this era because because I am a woman of this era. I don't wear high-button shoes or a bustle, but if I'd been born 150 years earlier I would be driven to because that's what all the other women were wearing. (social conformity is a natural drive, just as much as gender is)
Here's the key point, though: anything learned can be unlearned and retrained. Anyone trying to convince us that our gender is all just socialization and learned behavior is secretly advocating conversion therapy. (or if they aren't now, that's their end goal) Once you accept the notion that gender is learned behavior, it's a small step from there to, "Rather than fix your body, which will never make you a real woman, we'll just retrain your mind to think like a man! That'll fix everything!"
It's all typical radical feminist talking points that haven't changed in 40 years. "Women are taught to be weak and submissive and to hate math and science to keep them repressed and out of the industries where they might prove that men are actually useless brutes!" They will never accept the notion that women are, for the most part, naturally driven to be nurturing mothers and that men are naturally driven to be protectors and providers.
Of course, that doesn't mean that women should be forced into that roll if they don't want to be, but trying to ignore 200,000 years of evolutionary drives is not only pointless, it's harmful. It's making women miserable trying to fit the round pegs of their natural desires into men's square holes. We are actually different and most women just don't want a career and independence... we want to be wives and mothers and make a home. I was successful in my career as a Statistical Data Analyst. I made very good money and was truly needed in my job... and I hated it. Once I became a stay-at-home mom I was truly happy for the first time in my life. According to the radfems, that makes me a traitor to all women everywhere. Oh... wait... no it doesn't... because they'll never see me as a woman anyway.
Just my 2¢. YMMV.
I do understand your points.
I do understand your points. The question of critical early brain development for things like spacial awareness.
Men consistently outperform women on spatial tasks, including mental rotation, which is the ability to identify how a 3-D object would appear if rotated in space. A new study shows a connection between this sex-linked ability and the structure of the parietal lobe, the brain region that controls this type of skill
Therefore, better performance by men on spatial orientation could be due to biological reasons, such as brain activity patterns or hormonal levels. Women have shown higher scores on the Allocentric strategy than on the Egocentric strategy, but men's performance remains equal in both frameworks.
When I read things like this. I wonder if girls were engaged like boys they would develop this skill more. Obviously there are inate sex related differences. I just wondered how many are due to the ways we are raised.
Money was the darling of the feminists for a while. The only way to prove or disprove this would be a monstrous repeat of his experiment starting at birth. But since we don't live in Nazi Germany hopefully that will never happen.
The social agenda now seems to push that women are just as strong as men. Some are, but most are not. How many times do you see women beating men in fight on TV? Way too many to be realistic.
As far as acceptance goes. Who cares if a bunch of radical feminists won't accept you. As long as the ones that matter to you do. It's like that crap about people who mensturate. That means anyone that has problems or that has gone through menopause is not a woman?