Update about edits

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Hey there all, just and fyi about The Hands of the Morri.

In a move that will surprise very few, this first edit pass has added about 20k more words onto the story. It's at least half again as large as when I put the rough draft on the site. I am going to have a few readers look at it and give me their 2 cents, before I do the 2nd pass, which will likely add more to the story and possibly cut out bits that don't do what I want them to. Last is the final pass, where I go back to front to cut out extraneous words and phrases. Trim the fat as it were. So that's going well.

I should be able to start sending the story out to publishers by summer. So that's cool.



Does that mean I should wait to read it?

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna

You can totally read the

You can totally read the first draft, but be aware that the final book will have more depth and richness. My first drafts are almost always the skeletons of a story and I add detail and additional plot points until it feels right in my next two edits. But feel free to read what's here if you want.


We are the change that will save the world.

I can't really do that

erin's picture

I edit as I go, usually. My first draft is already full of edits and amplifications. If I wrote a 22-chapter story, the first chapter would have been edited 44 times, at least. It's why I post chapters as I write because if I don't, the editing never ends. I have to decide that a chapter is finished, stop editing it; and the only thing that mostly works is to go ahead and post it.

Everyone's different.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.