I've been following the news (and live video) of the new volcano in Iceland. In the course of that, I've taken the chance to poke around RUV's (Iceland's State-Run Television Channel) website for other news stories. Interesting place. I don't speak or read Icelandic, but if you open the web pages in Chrome, there's usually a translate button on the right end of the Location bar (where the URL is) that will get you a somewhat-decipherable English translation. Some words are wildly wrong, but you can't have everything. (Guess! Or, you can try plugging obviously wrong words into this: https://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/IcelOnline/Search.TEId.html)
I'm fascinated by the cultural differences between Iceland and the U.S. There was a story last week about sex education, and let me tell you, unholy hell would break out in most of the country were a program like that on US television, let alone were it broadcast by a government-owned station!)
Anyway, in a far-less potentially-shocking story, apparently they have a documentary about the first man to attend "Housewive's School," back in 1997, and his take on the experience. No, he's not trans or anything. Here's the story:
It is examples like that
that show how far the USA has regressed since the heady days of 1967-69. Back then, the USA was seen as being at the forefront of the social revolution.
Some people (mostly red Politicians) seem to be determined to wind the clock back to the days of the Salem Witch Trials and the Puritans.
In those days of yore (aka 17th Century) people were not free. If you stepped out of line, you could be denounced by people who had the next pew to you in Church. Women had no voice, no rights.
How is it any different
considering what has happened to Gina Carano in light of what you have said here ...
"If you stepped out of line, you could be denounced by people who had the next pew to you in Church. Women had no voice, no rights."
Seems we have regressed all the way back to the McCarthyism of the 50s.