News is just breaking that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died of metastatic pancreatic cancer at 87.
Apparently Mitch McConnell has already promised a vote on her replacement.
Died American Democracy 1776 - 2020
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
News is just breaking that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died of metastatic pancreatic cancer at 87.
Apparently Mitch McConnell has already promised a vote on her replacement.
Died American Democracy 1776 - 2020
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One of my favorite Mich McConnell quotes goes something like: "We do have term limits. They are called elections.."
Peace, Grace, Love.
Your friend
and still a towering figure. An intellectual giant and hero.
American democracy died when
American democracy died when we moved to electronic voting machines. The only difference now is they don't need to bother with covering up what they are doing.
I find it strange that everyone(news outlets) is taking about it like she was Judge Judy or something... a household name.
I've never before in my life heard about this woman, no one i know has ever heard about her... and even after her death everyone just shrugs and skims past all the many many articles that are online right now about her. It's weird, her death is dominating the news right now, and even after reading like 8 different articles... i still have no idea who she is.
Every time I wonder how someone like Donald Trump could have possibly been elected. . ..
My seven-year-old granddaughter knows who she is and why she was a very important person.
You managed to miss thousands of hours of newscats, a major motion picture, several television specials, and online movies.
If you're just shrugging and skimming you must not care about women's rights.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I was well aware of her position and reputation
and I'm on the other side of the Atlantic.
Ok, so I've visited and even worked in the US from 1975 to 2016 and have a good idea how their Justice System works.
It all depends on what your interests are. If there are reasons to want to know this sort of stuff then you will find out.
What bugs me is that ... I'd better not go there.
She will be missed and not just inside the USA.
She IS a household name, and has been for decades.
To the point that she's used as a Halloween costume for Velma as a child in the new "Scoob!" movie.
It would take almost willful ignorance to NOT know who she is in the US nowadays, even if you weren't familiar with all the work she's done. If everyone you know is ignoring all of that . . . perhaps you need to get to know a larger variety of people.
Melanie E.
Her courage
in the midst of a devastating and painful illness gave her a resolve to stay alive; not for her own sake, but for the sake of the office she held. We as members of the greater LGBTQ community face an administration hostile to us, and any replacement offered by them leaves us with even further erosion and even an end to the gains we have made in the past thirty or so years.
Love, Andrea Lena
Remember her with gratitude and pride. Ms Ginsberg, "Thank You For Your Service"
Remember when Obama wanted to replace another Supreme Court judge in the last year of his presidency he was prevented from doing so.