A voice of buttered honey

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Not everyone appreciates Opera, I'm one of those people. Not everyone appreciates Heavy Metal Bands, Yep that's me again. There are so many singers (vocalists) who if they didn't have a band drowning them out, or an electronic studio smoothing out, remixing; and just generally at least change their screeching into something reasonable as human speech; they would never make it outside the sleaze joints where everyone became too drunk to care. I know it's sacrilegious but I only like two of Elvis songs and one of Michael Jackson. Honestly most of my music taste goes back to the old country western singers, thirties to fifties.

Why this blog as it has nothing to do with trans, nor story writing? For those who have a musical ear, and there are more in this group than most realize, Mary Ford, in her short career, was one of those with a voice as smooth as buttered honey. She died way too soon of natural causes but what she left was a gift to all of us whether one can play a musical instrument, or carry a tune in a basket. In my unprofessional opinion, she could also play the guitar as well as her gifted husband Les Paul.

Next time you're working in the house, or reading a story, Drop in let, it run, and listen to one of the smoothest female voices that ever sang. You might take note the musical instruments aren't drowning her out.

To some of those nameless ladies who write and post stories here, I've added another bucket list. I want to be there when you jam. I'll bring my ol guitar and fake it like I'm playing and enjoy watching gifted talent at their best.

May God bless all of you and grant your deepest wishes. This life is a one way trip, ladies and gentlemen, don't waste it, live it like you own it.


I agree re: Mary Ford.

I agree re: Mary Ford.
I hate/despise opera. Yet I love acapella! Also I dislike classical ballet, though I can watch it, but I love jazz dance, and alternate forms of ballet and dancing. I guess I dislike the stricter forms. Each to their own.

Not exactly my cup of tea

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

While Les Paul and Mary Ford weren't exactly my cup of tea, I could certainly appreciate their talent, and if they came on the radio, I wouldn't change the station. Like you, I have some what of an antiquated musical taste. I tend to like folk music. A first cousin to CW. Not all mind you... Bob Dylan could write great songs, but somebody should have cut the power to the mic when ever attempted to sing.

Peter, Paul and Mary, The New Christy Minstrels, The Kingston Trio, The Limelighters, just to mention a few were the singers I followed in High School. Later on I came to appreciate the Gutheries, both Woody and Arlo. In the CW range, I appreciated Johnny Cash and June Carter. I don't think there ever was a better stringed instrument duo than Lester Flatt, Earl Scruggs. The Sons of the Pioneers comes to mind as well.

What all these people have in common is that when they performed, they had talent and sounded just as good live as they did in recordings. Many of them were multi-talented sing multiple genres and play numerous instruments.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Seems we have similiar musical tastes

I've always loved Folk music, used to play in a band back in the 70's that did a lot of Joan Baez cover music along with many other folk songs and some of the soft rock of the day.

Cut my teeth on the Guitar and Banjo, so to speak, on older Country, Gospel and Bluegrass as I have friends and relatives that were in groups (a couple of them well known) that played that style of music. Which led to me to being introduced to and jamming with some very popular celebrities in that music genera.

I find no matter what the genera, there are usually at least a few songs in it that I like, with one exception. Although I don't count Rap as music, at best is bad poetry recited to a terribly loud beat.

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

Still throwbacks around

The Lumineers is pretty modern group since they are from the 2010s but their sound is a bit of a throwback. I liked a few of their songs. A very stark departure from over produced formulamatic millennial music.

My musical taste

GrandiaKnight's picture

My musical taste has always been a bit weird. It covers a large range of genres including Opera and heavy metal! I'll give any genre a go once which probably explains some of my weirder musical journeys including a brief love of Noel Coward (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIZq-alEsWM&t=14s), on one occasion wizard rock which is a genre of rock music themed around Harry Potter! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyWVu3qIRzs&list=PLYECID1a4x...) and one which became one of favourite bands, Gloryhammer who are describe themselves as epic space rock (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkUAzcja74Y). For me I don't care about genre. Good music is good music!

"The pen is mightier than the sword ... if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp"

Rock and Roll Girl here.

Grew up with the Beach Boys and Jan and Dean. Loved the surf tunes and hot rod stuff and sorta liked some of the British Invasion.

When younger, I LOVED Doo-Wop and used to sing it with a group of friends after school and we were pretty good! Well, WE thought we were anyway!

Love acapella and got into "Straight No Chaser" and Pentatonix, as well as some Enya stuff. Sang all the time in school in chorus and attended as part of a couple of big time (for high school) concerts. Did a bit of "getting a band together" things.. none of them any good and entered a couple of contests with a now ex-friend. He played guitar, I did harmony. We won.

A guilty pleasure, music-wise is Jethro Tull. Their complicated beats and music just appeals to me, especially their Double Live Album.

Music is the backbeat of life. Without it, everything would be bland and grey.

Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

Beech Boys "Good Vibrations"

BarbieLee's picture

Hugs Cathy, Good Vibrations Is a song that digs deep into my soul with a ton of memories. It was a time and place in my life that song brings back in full vivid living color with all the memories. Emotions flood me with melancholy, happiness, and tears with the memories it brings.
Unchained Melody breaks my heart with memory of my soul mate. I hate and love that song as I have cried a million tears of a life and love we shared, knowing she is waiting for me again as she did in this mortal life.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

A sweet tribute to the Beach Boys

laika's picture

...by the band XTC back in the eighties,
under their faux-60's-band name Dukes of the Stratosphere.
In which they steal from every beach boys tune you ever heard
and then give it back to them as a loving tribute song:

I like a lot of different kinds of music.
Some of it as smooth as the Mary Pickford song above
(I always thought she was silent...) or Glenn Miller;
And other stuff that would sound like cats wailing to
spoons caught in a garbage disposal to most people,
depending on my mood. And I go in cycles, Charlie
Parker and Diz type bebop jazz for a week
and then old western swing and Hank
and the Carter Family the next...
~hugs, Veronica

(Yes I know it's Mary Ford, I'm just being silly. As usual...)

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


He is the PT Barnum of Music

BarbieLee's picture

Live music has several purposes. To please the mind (ears) even if some think screeching is music. To entertain, visually and acoustically. André Rieu draws thousands to his concerts and one of those reasons is the beautiful gowns the attractive women wear. Notice he puts all that color at the front of his orchestra like flowers to please the eyes. I've listened and watched orchestras who are better than Andre. The Danish Orchestra comes to mind but none put on a display like Andre. Instead of the beautiful gowns, the others have all their women attired close to the same in not same design then same color, dark or black. Andre understands salesmanship as much or more than he does music. He entertains the eyes, along with the ears.


When writing one's story about their "all girl band" or any other band or singer, if that is the gist of the story line, sell the girls to the eye, imagination, along with the ear, their music. Above all this is "YOUR STORY" and each writer has their own unique style. Don't get distracted into trying to copy someone else's style except to improve your own.
Life is a gift, treasure it until it's time to return it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

RE: Acapella (or however it's spelled!)

My favorite groups are European: The Real Group (Sweden), Rajaton (Finland) as well as Vox Audio (US), and most recently, a German group, Maybebop. Truly amazing instrumentals and their own songs, mostly. Of course, the Cuban group Vocal Sampling has an amazing rendition of Hotel California. Check the "guitar work" around 4 minutes in.

my music tastes

Are different than most. I am a child of the eighties so pretty much any songs from there are "my thing" ac/dc continues to be one of my favourite bands. along with zz top, and some other one hit wonders. Dont much care for the police, queen, kiss, or led zepplin.

But if a song clearly has vocals that are easy to understand, and I can hear the music and they both blend really well, yes ac/dc does that, then I'll listen too it. Some are just about belting out meaningless words of techno junk so loud you cannot hear the singer.

I love classical and have been to one live orchestra performance and loved it. Opera...ehhh it's not my thing as I can't understand what they are saying, which drives me nuts.

I have at least one song stuck in my head everyday..sometimes all day long, or even just part of it. Sunday I had the opening of bad moon rising in my head ..ALL...Day...LONG!

I also have never liked "depressing" music, most country songs are like that, not all, just most.

Music also motivates me to do stuff. When I write I have music going, or just a song on repeat.