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Indeed, there is an Aftermath to happenings at the 'Ring, and yes, there's food involved! So for all the Gabfen out there, click on the link!

If however, your tastes are more Gothic, the next part of Trixiebell Heartswoon is up for your delectation and delight, Gothic Fangirl completes the trip to Canterbury and our girl's return home. Thank you everyone who read and commented on the previous chapter, over 2,400 of you, I hope you enjoy this. The bad news is that the follow on isn't ready yet so it might be a bit of a wait before you see it, that said, I've already started pinning ideas for the follow up story thread!

In other news:-

Work has started on the next arc of Gaby, the first chapter is complete and i'll get more wroted over the weekend.

The weather here has been pretty 'close', nice enough but a bit uncomfortable for sleeping and riding - yup, Brits and weather, always moaning! I think I've actually caught the sun a bit - despite taking precautions like silly hat, drinking plenty and drinking a lot, I was out for about 6 hours walking and writing on Monday and a further 5 hours on the bike yesterday and its not like the sun was out all the time!

And so today's missive ends,


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