I wish to personally thank those that have assisted me over the last few days on Big Closet. The wonderful Writers here and the admin staff have been so warm and supportive. Thanks to Sephrena, Stan, John, Holly, Cristine. There are many others I cannot off habd remember as I will over the next few days. Once I know the date of Mellissa's funeral, I will post the date here for those that wish to know when it is.
This a tough time for me as I am here alone trying to sort things out and I will do so, I have been asked as her executor stated in her will to do so. I am so new to this task. I will stay in touch over the next 3 weeks. Many Blessings to you all on Big Closet.
Melanie Dixon
Tragedy of the spirit
I have just started reading this tragedy. It's hard to believe that people could be so cruel and heartless. No wonder God is ticked at us. Such monsters blight life for all humans.
I know that she died last year, but as I've said, I have just come across this horror story. I will pray for Melissa. It seems an inconsequential thing to say, but I honestly can only offer my heartfelt sympathy and support.