Just so you readers know, a small comment on the last chapter of my Shadowsblades story... a Whateley based fan fic.
that one small comment, a small 'thing' and not a bad 'thing'? Just a mention of fact or noticing a small story 'bend'...that one little comment, WILL make me after I pondered it for a few days and thought about what to change around the 'mistake' or 'goof'... has lead me in a totally different direction of story plot.
Just so you all know, the readers comments DO affect the plots of major stories at times and in this case one of mine and this is NOT the first time it happened
in the past, I had the Pixies 'Violet' being a small back page NPC but readers loved her so very much, so I gave her a sister, a grove to play in and added in the Nymphs and their own side plots and shoved Violet among the others out onto center stage!
AND you all loved it!
See your input maters...keep posting...keep PMing me and don't feel like you are 'bugging' me...that is far from what happens IRL!
cya and thanks all!