Why do seemingly reasonable and logical people choose to worship a sadistic egotistical narcissistic psychopath as their g-d?
And by extension, I have to wonder why it is that so many of the people in the TG world somehow choose to cling to this ridiculous notion that the Abrahamic g-d Yahwe(and by extension Jesus) is something to be worshipped? When if you read his biography in the book called bible, only show that it is the most diabolical egotistical sadistic psychopathic being in all of fiction…
It honestly goes beyond my understanding that so many people on this planet can be so blind and uninformed about Christianity.
And then you might ask, who gives me the right to say something so blasphemous about any religion?
Well, no one needs to give me the right to say anything about anything else, NO ONE.
I have chosen to study, to delve deep into the history of religion and spirituality to find and amass a wealth of knowledge to make an educated choice to inform my understanding of mankind's ridiculous need to worship something external to itself. About 35years of study to be exact(I started needing the answer to the bigger questions in life when I was about 10 or 11).
And then you might ask what brought this rant on. I read a lot, sleep very little and I stumbled upon this story on another TG Fiction website called ‘TG Storytime’. The story is called ‘The Visitor’ by an author called School Belle http://www.tgstorytime.com/viewstory.php?sid=4605 . This author I do not see present on this website under that specific name.
Now, the story is in my estimation well written, very well researched Biblically yet for the life of me I cannot figure out what exactly the author’s intention is or was with this story…
The story is basically about a 15-year-old TG child(mtf) who escapes from an all-boys reformatory. Sent there by the father who at length tried to beat the TG out of the child, who ends up being found by an ultra-religious Christian family on their property close to death, after a 3day struggle with no food or water.
It is written in the first person mostly from the point of view of the mother of this family in diary style. A few chapters are written from the point of view of the child also diary style. The first thing this family then does is they start to pray about this ‘poor soul’ being led by the devil into a path of ‘darkness and self-destruction’. The child ends up in a prison, after being reported by the family to child services. However, being that she declared herself TG, she is put in a female jail, because as they put it ‘nobody was prepared to take a child such as that’. After a week or so there, she is severely beaten up and ends up in hospital. The family then decides to foster the child, only after the whole church that they belonged to pray at length about the issue and is given the go-ahead by child services to do so.
The sad thing is that from the outset the intentions of this family is basically spelled out, that is their calling in this situation to save her from herself and shine the ‘light’ of their psychopath g-d on her ‘darkness and depravity’… This lasts for about 2 weeks and then the story ends abruptly when child services reclaim her because according to them the family was not fit to foster her. Never does this family ever commit an act of physical abuse towards her, but the emotional battle rages all the time, especially between the child and the oldest daughter of the family.
To sum up, the story is about a Christian family who took it upon themselves to ‘pray away the gay’ for lack of a better description. And it was doomed from the outset.
You Christians out there would then probably say, but not all Christians are like that… Yes, it seems to me not all Christians seem to know what the bible demand of them.
And I will say, guess what, I experienced this first hand about 25 years ago when I was a then out of the closet TG person went and did bible school at the behest of my mother so that my ‘soul’ could be saved. The only thing I found in Christianity was a complete and utter overarching theme of hypocrisy. I mean, my ‘affliction’ was so visible, so in your face. It demanded the attention of everyone for prayer and deliverance from demons. But there were so many of those Christian cunts who behind closed doors were fucking other women than their wives, or abusing alcohol, or beating up on their children, and the fucking pastor himself was embezzling money from his own fucking church(this only came to light a few years later)…
In one of these ‘demon delivery’ sessions I snapped, almost strangled the motherfucker(who was an alcoholic and philanderer) who had his hands on me ‘praying’, I got up screamed at him to fuck off in front of the whole church and walked away from Christianity.
I then found the need to continue my study of all things religion and spirituality. Got all the books accompanying the bible… I mean Strongs Concordance, Vine’s Expository, 15 or so different translations of the bible. I found the Apocrypha, The Nag Hammadi Library, the Torah, the Talmud, The Zohar, Kabbalah and the Quran and everything I could find about Comparative Religion…
Well, in the end, Christopher Hitchens words rang most true – ‘The best cure for Christianity is studying the Bible properly’ – and I am now an atheist, happy in my choice on how I view the world.
I find it so sad to see such a marginalized group such as the TG community worldwide be abused by religion, yet cling to it as their way of salvation. I find this truly MIND BOGGLING.
Just to add I am MtF post-op who initially transitioned 27years ago age 19 and then got sidetracked by fucking Christianity that stole 4 years of my early adult years. I am now 46 and have been me for the past 23 years.
Ok, now I am rambling. Sorry if this way of asking this question upsets any of you, but I think it needs to be addressed.
Religion vs. Spirituality
I am not a scholar or theologian. I am not a current church goer even though I can claim to have read more than one version of the bible front to back. I am a 50yr old woman with a past history of MtF GRS Surgery 19yrs ago. I also expect there are those who won't agree with my view points and those who may. I'm not looking for recognition or acknowledgement either way. I do however find one flaw in the main post of this blog. The original poster appears to make their statement of being an atheist based on years of study. You can't study Belief. You can research view points and teachings and history, but the point that seems to come across is that the bases of their whole case is from human resources and publications.
My own view point is simple. Religion is a man made concept that allows others to teach history of theology and pass it to the masses. Every form of publication, whether written or electronic or transcript are all from the hands of man. Yes, that includes the Bible and every other religious text on the planet.
Spirituality is even simpler. It comes from the heart and soul. You feel it from inside yourself. It is in the world around you. It is in the quiet whisper of the trees in the forests, the gentle waves along the beach, the laughter of a child, the thunderous power of a hurricane, the monsterous trembling of an earthquake. The power that surrounds us every day can bring you peace and the simplest of joy, but can also bring you great humility and understanding.
Too many people look outside themselves for superficial answers. No one wants to look inward because what they see may frighten them. As Transgendered individuals we are forced to look deeper into ourselves than maybe humans should be allowed. It is not a pretty place to have to look deep into ones soul and heart and have to question their very nature that is in conflict with the human world around them. However we are blessed to be able to look deep inside and see how unique we truly are and hopefully bring that light inside out into the world for all to see as an example of what true belief is.
Beverly Colleen
P.S. No Atheist, Theologians, Bibles or Trees were harmed in the making of this comment. :)
I am a leaf on the wind, but someone turned the fan off.
As an intersex child born in
As an intersex child born in the 70s and whose mother was a holier-than-thou southern Baptist. Fuck God.
When I just got out of the hospital after getting surgery when I was 5. The pastor took me aside and told me that I was an unholy abomination. That I had doomed all my friends to hell and the only way to save them was to kill myself. I was "examined" re: molested by no less than 30 church figures in painful lay on hands bullshit. Sent to religious aversion camps. I could go on forever with the bullshit I went through from "good Christian people".
Christianity is a pox on the human species. Living in the south I keep my mouth shut but I lose respect for anyone that is a Christian. The ones that don't wear it on their sleeve are mostly ok but the deeply religious ones I will never trust.
That story you are talking about I did not bother with. As soon as i see something favoring Christianity I avoid it. I don't need more triggers flipped. I have enough issues dealing with the crap they put me through 20+ years ago. Not to mention the crap I had to deal with from religious nurses and doctors later on.
Sorry for the rant. IMO that author has an agenda that is not favorable to trans individuals.