We've had a lot of blogs and comments about fundraising. So I'd like to add my abilities to the pot so to speak. I'm a fair to middling proofreader, and while I don't have a degree or any such thing I believe that I'm able to catch most common errors in usage and spelling. And no I will not be depending only on spell check or some grammar engine to help me out! So if anyone would like to have me proof anything (especially anything going in the hat box or to Doppler Press) that will help increase the income opportunities for the site, drop me a line here and I'll take a look at what you're writing. If I don't believe I can help you the only thing it costs is a few minutes.
Help is always apprecited
I have a Doppler Press series that is out there churning up income for the site. Erin and her gang asked me to write a “freebie” for Amazon, another Wildcats story, to help promote Wildcats: A Rock ‘n’ Roll Odyssey, Book 3 coming out in May. It’s bubbling just under 20.000 words. It never hurts to have another pair of eyes and a good mind looking it over before the minions at Doppler read it.
If we can work something out, I will gladly add more to the monthly pot to keep them afloat.
If you have the time, drop me a line [email protected]