New Chapter

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Disdressed, the new Gaby - Sweet Sixteen chapter is now ready for your perusal!

In other News :-

  • The first chapter of the new Gaby book is with my editor, i'll get more written over the next week and hopefully have the first arc ready to release in @ a fortnight.
  • Its cold - well okay its maybe colder in NA but even so when my ride yesterday was mostly at @ -2c I think that qualifies as cold! After a five hour plus ride I was a Maddy popsicle, I matched my blue jacket almost completely! I suppose its all in a good cause. The 'training' is coming along okay, 15 hours, 300+km and 4500m climbing since New Years Day, no I'm not obsessed, I just want to get to a good enough level of fitness so my 'competitive' riding is enjoyable and not a chore!
  • I've today booked the ferry to Holland for our Spreewald trip in April, not cheap but by driving we have more flexibility than flying even if the trip is extended. Next up is working out a route and booking accommodation.
  • I'm also making some tentative plans for a 2018 Gabycon, most likely in July, if anyone is interested let me know.

Well that's it for today, more Gaby on Wednesday.




Podracer's picture

Yup, of course. Might have pruned away the holiday flab by then.

"Reach for the sun."