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I have stumbled onto a web site that, so far seems very good, though I have a lot of reading to do to completely understand it.
She seems very sympathetic to our issues but I am not sure exactly what her status is. I do not know if any of you have knowlege of this woman and if you do or wish to look at her site, I would be very appreciative of your thoughts.
Many blessings
Gwen Brown
Reparative Therapy is not a good practice. Those who are supposedly practicing therapist are not clinical psychologist. Jerry Leech began Reparative Therapy. The idea is to convince one that morally they are not transgendered, they are an abomination to God, that a Transgendered person is possessed by demons. All of that is done under the name of God. Amazing how mankind uses Gods name to create a therapy that debases the human.
Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
The article linked to
is describing Reparative Therapy and the damage it does. It is not pro-RT.
How that article came across to me
It seems to me that she is like everyother Religoud Fanatic. They think that Transgender issues can be cured. There is no cure to a Genetic Problem, it is not that simple.
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend
The Gendertree is done by
The Gendertree is done by Sandra Stewart. I happen to know Sandra from the TG-Christians yahoo mailing list. (Yes, you can be a happy Christian and be TG...)
Sandra is a finishing (or she may have finished since that last time I asked her) a Masters in Social work and frequently is a speaker at SCC, etc. To assume without reading that she is a proponent of reparative therapy is so wrong as to be laughable.
Janice (Why yes, I suppose that you could call me one of those Religious Fanatics. I just call myself a sinner covered by Grace. :-) )
Much of what is discussed shoots out into academic discussion that seems to serve little general purpose for the average person. But overall, her points seem valid.
I would take issue with the last sentence. Given the highly politicized nature of our courts, it would seem unwise to bring action against a reparative therapist. Our courts are stacked to reflect the will of the current body politics, who have championed same-sex marriage legislation. Do you really think you could get a fair trial in that environment if you were damaged by this repulsive process?
I agree with the assertion that any human activity can be suppressed. I also agree that suppression can cause horrible long-term damage.
The advice to the wives is telling.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
They need to be brought to heel
I'd be willing to bet that the fundis and people like Jerry Leach have caused many suicides. Somehow, they get away with it under the cloak of free speech, freedom of religion, and God only knows what else.
I think that these fundi freaks are a greater danger to people than the FLDS, because they do similar but perhaps less severe things to a far greater number of people. It is not until I begin to look back and realize the sheer stupidity of some of the things that I was taught, that it begins to seem as a great and never ending nightmare.