Just have to rant a bit

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There is a reason why I post to BC first after finding out how much easier it is

Then add the comments on here are more encouraging Thanks!

But then this
posted to FM to be nice and this is my reward?

Reviewed by Pam on 10/19/2017

a dark elf??? I like real people stories. This one takes change a little to far. I'm sorry but I can't go there.

So you have the time to back up out of the story, go to new page to post and leave a post like that--but not be nice about it??
and I write this stuff for free!

had to go there


Dark Elves aka Drow

Obviously the reviewer on FM has not encountered Jobette and her pseudo-Drow offspring! Personally I am envious of Ro and her antics! Keep up the good work!

yep I posted 17 stories of

shadowsblade's picture

yep I posted 17 stories of shadowsblade there at FM and more of vantier

and Pam only judged my work on one I have guess--after she skimmed it??

Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective

yeah, this should tell you who I am...

Clearly someone who has no idea what Whateley is... what with the Sidhe, the avatars, shape-shifters, girls that have their twin brothers living in their chest cavity for starters...

Me too

I agree with you. I stopped posting on FM after I found this place. The commenters there just seemed so mean. Here I love getting comments. There I used to fear them.



Frank's picture

We here at BC don't have to take any responsibility for the evil doers/meanies on FM.

Our rules are generally easy enough to follow, keep it friendly. If someone does you wrong on here tell Erin, Piper, Sephrena, or Me and we will get it removed from your posting if it crosses the line. If there is any questions, Erin will make any final judgments and her word is THE word. :)



I was once accused on the message boards there

Angharad's picture

of destroying the whole genre of Tg fiction because I wrote serials which everyone else was also doing now..They also assumed I was male. I'm not sure which annoyed me the more.


Must have been an off day

That sounds pretty mild for FM. I’d regard it as almost a compliment.

Whilst the aggressive comments played a part in my migrating off FM, they did teach me the value of comments and criticism. The nice ones boost our ego, the bad ones can destroy us if we let them. And I guess I’ve even had two or three in my 15 years of publishing which enabled me to improve a story by correcting a few spelling mistakes.

As some of you know, I generally publish my stories with public comments turned off. You can watch the kudos come in without worrying someone is publicly going to destroy the work in which you have invested so much.