While wandering the web tonight, I stopped by the Skepchick website. This website is crewed by some wonderfully independent thinkers with a knack for finding and writing about things I find interesting and/or amusing. While browsing through the various bits, I came across a link to another blog, by Greta Christina. Her blog entry is called "Lesbian sex with men", which seemed a bit strange to me. To make a long story short, it's a nice, thoughtful article that everybody should take a look at; re-framing the whole idea of sex between two people. Not an original idea, I'm sure, but well presented. It's not that long so pop over and read it.
And for some entertaining reading on many different subjects, try the Skepchick website:
Karen J.
I must admit I didn't know what to expect when I clicked on the link, but I'm glad I did. It takes a look outside the box. Some of the langauge is frank, but the message is an important one. It talks about what sex is and isn't and maybe what it should be. Nice, Thanks for pointing this one out Karen!