Just added info to chap 2 of Sacrificial Alter

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I was reading through chapter 2 for the 50th time; I had already posted it; and I realized I didn't address some things. So I added more to it. Not much but something essential. If you've already read chap 2 and don't want to have to read the whole thing again (even tho it's really short), it's in the last 1/2 of the chapter.

Yes, I know. Don't mess too much with completed stories. Remember Michael Jackson's nose after the surgeons messed with it too much. Did Picasso try to go back and fix a painting?

WELL HE SHOULD HAVE. Two eyes on one side of the head?? Now that's just sloppy.

Sorry. I'm a perfectionist.
I mean anal retentive. (That's old school for OCD for you young-un's).

HUGZ! **Sigh**