Hi everyone! I need you all to do me a GREAT favor.
Anyone here whom is an author in the USA or other territory/area governed by the DMCA, who has had a story "stolen" or unwillingly posted to the forum.silicone-breast website, please use the form on this website:
to send a notice to the email addresses listed below:
[email protected]
[email protected]
The company that responds should be named "Hawk Host" and they are the ISP of the site that is "stealing" these stories.
Thank you,
P.S. For anyone that is represented as an author by Doppler.Press please notify us of the offending urls and the urls of where they are on BigCloset and we can act as a representative for you to get this done. We will use our mailing address, phone number, and email to get this taken care of as a Registered Agent.
That means the rest of us are screwed
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Not if we get them kicked off their ISP. :P
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Be very careful with using the courts.
Over the years I have read a lot of legal horror stories dealing with DMCA.
In some cases one website filed DMCA take down notice against another website, the other website responded with a DMCA take down notice against the original website. Both parties claimed ownership of the content. And after both sides spent tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees the judge decided to shutdown both websites.
I highly recommend you try to talk to the owner of the website to work something out.
Using the courts is very costly.
In addition, if the other party is not making a profit off of the content this may get thrown out of court.
The moment you use a DMCA take down notice the other party is going to hire a lawyer and it will become costly to both parties.
While I agree
with your assessment of the downfalls to using a DMCA, the failing in your theory is the fact that the vast majority of the stories are PART Works and in the case of your work, Bike, Education in the Hills and Martial Justice Series only one or 2 non consecutive parts are posted and Jessie's Death Dealers Saga has been de pubbed due to release on Amazon Kindle.
Also while they got the name of the poster (who posted here with full permission and knowledge of the author) of one piece correct they make no mention of the author or the posters note at the end the piece.
My point is that site would call their own bluff if the decided to attempt the take down on that case, and the people behind the site are the same ones behind the site that the prosthetics sales ads links go to thus they are making money from it.
Not so Paul. BC/TS does not
Not so Paul. BC/TS does not own my story, I do. My proof of ownership is in my submittal.
Anyone can file a DMCA take down notice
Someone following an earlier post I wrote about the DMCA and "all material" one generates by themselves belongs to them whether there is a copyright listed on it or not. They said they couldn't afford the 200 dollars to file a DMCA notice. Unless I'm mistaken it doesn't take money if the person has data stolen unless you use the legal staff of DMCA.
Fill out the form, and post it to DMCA. That's it. Correct me if I'm wrong. So far any works I had stolen is listed with the copyright office. Didn't take more than an email from my publisher to get material removed.
I hate thieves. They steal other people's time and money. Time can never be replace. God only gives us so much. It's pretty short when it's all said and done. I'm having hell with HP over a brand new notepad they claim isn't under warranty. Just finished a letter informing them I'll see them in court if they don't honor their equipment. God..., I spend so damn much time in court I should have been a lawyer!
Did I say I hate thieves? Life is meant to be lived not worn until it's worn out.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Thank you, Piper. I just hope
Thank you, Piper. I just hope for all here that the site is removed. I doubt it will work for long, but it'll at least send a message that people will fight back.
Edit: I sent requests that the three stories that I wrote and the fourth that I co-wrote and that uses my characters. There was an automated reply so I doubt very much that anything will happen. I am pessimistic but the autoreply's own wording "low priority" says all i need to know
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Nom de plume
Any recommendations for those of us who use Nom De Plumes who do not want 'others' to be aware of what we are doing? They ask for information I am not willing to put out there.
It's one of the reasons
thieves feel safe stealing from sites like this, the unwillingness of the individuals to out themselves in order to seek redress.
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
find someone on here that had a story stolen, that is sending a DMCA already?
and edit the post here that was stolen to add them as a partner?
that might work to fire more than one shot at the site?
Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective
'You don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger'
There seems to be required information on the form I don't wish to provide. This means I'm crucified ( appropriate for the season).
I know that most of us face this problem, now what !
now what
ask Piper.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall