New to the community

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Blog About: 

Figured I should post something and say "hello" to the established community.

I have never actively used this site before, so it will be a while before I get to terms with the classification and tagging system.

Mostly active over on TGStorytime or my personal site (the link i left on my profile if you are curious), with my first story piece going live next week. Wanted to try and share my stuff to as many groups as possible to see what people think and to try and get as much feedback as possible. I have software to help me spot and learn from my grammar mistakes, but only by consulting my readers and fellow writers can I get a better grasp at the faults with the story itself.

Being new to the whole author thing, I will likely have lots of points to improve on and confidence issues to deal with but I hope that overtime I can overcome those and release more stuff, more frequently, and at as high a quality as I can.

My individual interests lay in the fantasy/mystical worlds type genre, so expect lots of magic and non-human races and fictional stuff to appear, and not so much in the way of sci-fi, or daily slice-of-life/real world.

Once again, Thanks for having me. =D



Angharad's picture

We're not bad bunch and hopefully all the feedback you receive will be positive.


thanks :)

Sylvia Waldgrave's picture

positive is always great. but i welcome brutal violent and destructive comments too if they are constructive :) its fun to see how creative people can get with their criticism in the hopes it helps me improve.

the sooner a person brings a fatal flaw or major issue to light the faster I can be to remedying it ;)


Daniela Wolfe's picture

Welcome to the community. Most of the folks hereabouts are really friendly and there are enough of us that dabble in fantasy worlds that I'm sure you'll fit in just fine.

Have delightfully devious day,

Looking forward to a new member's contributions

By way of welcome, I would say that we are a mostly friendly bunch here, although just occasionally some let out their political prejudices - I suspect that is because of the current run up to the elections in the United States.

But we have members from all over the world, not just the U.S.

Your attitude is refreshing, some here cannot accept criticism and get all offended at the mere suggestion that their work is not perfect, so be prepared for attitudes that span the entire spectrum!

HOWEVER, this is a friendly place and most public comments are kept as such. There is the possibility to send others Private Messages which will remain between the two of you.

Just a little heads-up on the basics here.

Once you have been granted 'author' status - this usually happens within a couple of days of posting your first story; one of the admins sorts that out - then your name appears in the list, and various background folders and 'libraries' become available.

At that point, you become a 'book' in that the top level directory is in your name. As soon as you select that name on the 'create content' submission form (down near the bottom) then after a little think, the hierarchy you have set up appears and you can then select where you want this story to appear. Of course, at first, there will only be the top level. Lower levels will need to be set up by you. You can use the 'Organizer' functions under 'Create Content' for this.

I won't get any more complicated (just yet) but feel free to ask - not just me, but anyone.

All the best


P.S. When writing your story and posting it here, in the 'body' box make sure you have a double carriage return for each paragraph break!


I hope you enjoy sharing with us!



We're a friendly crowd - a bit rowdy sometimes, but otherwise OK. ;-D

Red MacDonald