When I first posted Who Is Sylvia nearly eight years ago, one thing bothered by about Sylvia's behavior. She had spent most of her life repressing her sexuality. She'd never had sex with a man, or woman for that matter; however, when she determined she loved Phil Esterhazy, she rather enthusiastically threw herself into the role of lover. I took it too far, and had her do things that no woman who had suffered the trauma she'd had would do right off the bat.
Chapters Nine and Ten describe the events that caused many of her problems in the first place, and I think it was very unrealistic for me to have Sylvia go as far as she did when she finally decided to give herself to the man she desperately loved. Therefore, after eight years of contemplation, I revised a few paragraphs describing her first time in bed with a lover. She becomes enthusiastic, just not as enthusiastic as I first pictured.
Who is Sylvia follows The Heart of the Beholder, The Narragansett Fork, and Musetta's Waltz. Five Love Stories en Brochette followed and it really was a continuation of Sylvia and Phil's story. The Redhead and the PM, St. George and the Dragon, Soaring With Eagles, and Love's Shame, Love's Salvation completed the series. The stories are not always about individuals transitioning; however, with the exception of St. George and the Dragon there are characters who transition or had transitioned.
If you haven't read these stories before, you might enjoy them. If you are curious about the changes, read Chapter 10. The changes are minor, but more realistic.