Catilyn jenner

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I am annoyed with Caitlyn Jenner at first i looked up to her as a hero being, so brave. After learning that it was just a phase and coming out as transgender it sorta feels like i am being slapped to the face right now. I my self am transgender hoping to be a a woman one day I have always felt like i was lying about who I was but since I have came out to you guys my second family and my own family with everyone being supported I feel so much more confident. Also just blowing off some steam about Catilyn


In the trenches

I think it is a money maker for her. She has not been down in the trenches. She may have actually put the transgender cause back.



I've thought Jenner was a fraud from the gitgo. I've repeatedly complained that she was being allowed to short circuit the normal procedures and that in the long run she will have proved to be detriment to our cause. You can imagine how popular that was! I'd like to yank her privilege out from under her and make her do a year's RLT down here where we all live and work and try to survive. I'd give odds she would quit partway through.

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.

About Caitlyn

joannebarbarella's picture

I am deeply ambivalent. I'm sure she transitioned from the same needs that most of us feel. Something she had to do because her soul was/is female. It's not something you do for money.

On the other hand, anything associated with the Kardashians has to be viewed with deep suspicion as to the financial benefits involved and Caitlyn seemingly has used that association for monetary gain (I'm sure the publicity attracted payment). That leaves me totally divided on whether the situation is positive or negative for transgender people.


Wendy Jean's picture

is one of us. Unlike the rest of us she is rich, very much so. This insulates her from any of the problems the rest of us have. She can afford lawyers, doctors, surgeons, anything she needs. Her odds of being unemployed or under employed are nil, and just don't matter. The odds of her facing real discrimination is nonexistent.

So while she is one of us, she definitely does not represent us. Nor does she understand what the rest of us are going through. I tend to ignore her, as she is a non issue in my life.

She understands the dysphoria

thliwent's picture

She understands the dysphoria, the constant fear of being found out, of being called names, etc.

She doesn't understand not being able to start transition because you can't afford it, or having to deal with job loss and inability to get new jobs while transitioning, or things like that.

I wish her well, but I also know that she doesn't understand what it's like to be in my shoes, much like I can't imagine the struggles of being a celebrity wanting to transition.


How many people transition in their golden years? How is she any different than any other person who decides to transition after retirement age? Or people who transition after their spouse dies. And don't think Jenner doesn't understand poverty. He (and I use he when referring to the past) mortgaged everything on olympic success. I've been there. You can't work a 40 hour week. You work out. You work out hard.. And Jenner did it while not in college. He basically was a slave to working out. He gave his soul to those Olympics and he reaped the rewards.

Katie Leone (

Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life

When I expressed my ambivalence

Angharad's picture

towards her at the start of all this, I was accused of being disingenuous. I'm still ambivalent towards her and some of us did come out thirty years ago.


Mixed feelings.

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

I have mixed feeling about Caitlyn all around.

She very well may have mixed feelings herself, we are all made up of complicated multiple parts.
Fame, gender identity, there is probably bit of both in her decision and she may not really understand it completely herself. I doubt it is pure publicity. Someone would have to be a complete psycho to change genders for just publicity without some real gender issues or at least flexibility(remember gender is a spectrum). Being rich and famous may make it both, easier in many way, but harder in others.(of course she is more protected physically at least)

Is she good or bad for the public attitude on transgender and gender variance in general?
I'm not sure. She certainly helps make the topic more visible. If people believe her, it at least makes more people aware that trans exist and use to them being around. If they don't and think she is just a "fame whore", does that make people dismiss other transgender individuals as fake, or does that mean that she does not count in their minds? Even if she is dismissed as fake does she still help visibility of the topic?

I figure she probably helps more then hurts things, but does do a bit of both.
I am not really sure though.

>i< ..:::

All different

So Caitlyn Jenner is rich and privileged. That does not negate that she is transgendered. We are all different. So is she.