Hey Everyone!
So SEARCH is back! No more Google!
That being said, if you REALLY liked Google search (even with the changes they implemented recently that made it not work the same as it was) you can always use site:bigclosetr.us at Google.Com to search BigCloset with google.
Now back to awesomeness.
I have re-built our Apache Solr Search Server, and re-indexed the entire site (blogs, stories, books, etc) and turned back on our "Faceted Search"
You can access the search box on the front page (I know it's a little small, but I'm working on that) or you can visit the page http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/search/site to start your search.
When you are on "any" search page you will find all the various "facets" you can use to drill down your search criteria by clicking on them, and near the bottom you will find "Sort By" which allows you to choose various fields to sort by.
Also at the bottom of stories and blogs, you will find a new heading "More like this" which gives links to blogs or stories that share similar tags or titles.
And to end this announcement I will give you a link to a post titled "Using Search" which was a well put together post on how search works and how to make search work for you! http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/adminmessage/44429/using-search
P.S. The "search box" on the front page is currently only available to logged-in users while we try and figure out how the extra load is going to affect our cluster.
Thanks for all you ladies do. I sure appreciate it and know others do as well. I just am more inclined to say my thanks in words on print.
I ran across "More Like This" before seeing this blog and posted a thank you over on "Fixed vs Still Broken". Thanks here too. The feature looks interesting.
thanks, I dislike google search. glad to see it gone.
I like
I like the new set up . Work for me HUGS thanks for all your work
I was hoping to see something about searching outer space, or something in astronomy! (JK)
-- Daphne Xu
This looks great
I feel an improved search facility will really open up BC and make it a much better repository of stories.
But I can't find the "Sort By towards bottom".
"Filter by content type" is the last section I see.
OK, I found it
It only appears after you've done the first search. If you simply click the search box, it's not there.
K, I was just going to post this screenshot :P https://goo.gl/TUVf3m
More Like This
I looked at my story "A Visit to Bikini Beach". The bottom under "More Like This" had five posts: the first five posts (the first 16 parts) to my story "A Bikini Beach Summer". It would be nice to present a little more variety there.
-- Daphne Xu
We don't program that feature
It works the way it works. There are tweaks available but none allow us to tweak exception for things in the same series. It compares titles and tags and may come up with different lists at different times since there is a bit of randomness but you have to admit the thing most similar to one chapter of a serial is another chapter of the same serial. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Side Story
And of course, the thing most similar to a short side story to a serial is the serial itself or a chapter of the serial. Although I'm going to see how far one can deviate. What will happen with "Multiverse Lucy" and "Grandpa takes Beth to Bikini Beach"?
-- Daphne Xu