So, I just tried to publish a very short, "less than 500 word" true story.
The cut and paste from my document did not work at all, cutting most of the story off. I've done around two dozen stories and never had the issue.
Is there an issue right now?
Not that I know of
Your description of what happened doesn't tell me much but one thing I can ask, did you have an <'s in what you tried to post?
Anything after one of those just typed from the keyboard will chop off anything that follows it. This is a peculiarity of HTML. If you need an angle bracket, you can use the editing buttons version above the editing window which is what I did with the one in the first line above.
Other people posted things within a minute of when you did, so I doubt there is a problem here.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
No issue here
I just tried to paste a couple hundred words I copied from a tech article, that worked fine. I hit preview and it reminded me about a couple of bits I had forgotten, once corrected both that and the final save also worked. If you were quick you might have seen it in the list but not for long because it was really really boring. :)
You can't choose your relatives but you can choose your family.