I've been putting links to the important pieces of music mentioned in each posting at the end of the posting. 'Drea has been doing this with her stories for quite a while, and I thought that since I frequently reference music I would put in a link to it so that readers might listen to and hopefully enjoy it.
Does anyone care? Is anyone actually checking out the music? I'll continue to add the links; however, I was curious.
I think it's a great idea. I love following those links posted by Drea. I also think it adds to the enjoyment of a tale. I did that very thing in "Pet" when I thought it was an important part of capturing the character's mood. Doowit sez I. :)
May You Know Only Peace...
Checking out music links
Hmmm... I don't really know what the selection algorithm is, but I SOMETIMES do.
When I have my favourites, warm cuddly pieces of music that I have owned for aeons and that fit round me like a favourite sweater, then I tend not to follow another's tastes.
That said, I have sometimes done it and been pleasantly surprised - indeed just recently, comparatively speaking, I posted a YouTube link to Pentatonix's version of "Little Drummer Boy".
And I once posted a link to Fourplay's version of "Amazing Grace" and received profound thanks from several who followed that link. (Also got some flames who found it necessary to poo-poo my taste and promote their own versions.)
So all in all, I think it's a valuable service that you provide.
As the film editor said: "You can't edit out footage if you don't have it in the first place."
So provide the links and let the Readers decide if they wish to follow them. That way you don't disappoint anyone, and you just may provide someone with some extra enjoyment.
Enjoy the year.
Good idea.
By stating what music is playing, you offer the reader the option of knowing what the mood of the setting in the scene is.