My housemate does some really nice work... if you have an image you want copied or several that she could combine to make an original so it wouldn't run afoul of copyright rules.
Naturally she would LIKE to be paid for what she does, if you like and use her work, but it wouldn't be more than a few dollars, again only if you use it as cover art.
Examples are available if you provide an email address. _I_ think she's really good at what she does, however, she doesn't do original human pics although she could prob do them like an animated pic. I've seen many examples of her work and it's really difficult to tell them from the originals.
She can copy just about any cartoon or anime pic if you have a copy she can use to customize for you.
Catherine Linda Michel
Is there a website or page where we can see some of her work and get a rough idea of cost? Maybe something like dA? Lots of artists there. I'm pretty picky about the emails I open. It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you!
Would like to see something like "This size costs $XX.XX. To add a second person is this much $XX.XX" This size is this much more, due to the increased size." Head and Shoulders: $XX.XX, Bust: $XX.XX, 3/4 view $XX.XX, Full length: $XX.XX, Background: $XX.XX. These would not be firm prices, but give an idea of costs. Like I might want 2 full length on a single panel, with background but pencil drawing instead of color. But depending on the cost to me I might drop the background.
I know it gets a bit complicated but that's what people want to know prior to ordering. Then the prices can be adjusted depending on what's ordered. This is what I normally go through to buy from a seller in dA.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.