Thanks for the well wishes you sent Janet; she appreciated them.
Now another on-line friend, Itinerant/Nichole Harrison has had a hard time of it recently. Things finally got back to reasonably close to normal then another RL crissis hits.
I see the dumb-bunnies struck and gave Erin a mess to clean up last night on the site here. Is it the phase of the moon?
Please wish Itinerant/NH well and pray that Erin gets a few quiet weeks where she doesn't have to run around like crazy picking up after us.
Oh and the weather has been glorious the last few days. We'll pay for it, this is Wisconsin after all.
In the Milwaukee Journal there was an article recently about a fifty something Wisconsin MtF who was trying to get married. The name was very much like one of the authors here. Was that really you? And good luck to you.
John in Wauwatosa
Best Wishes
Thank you, John for letting us know about Itinerant's problems. I've met Itinerant several times in chat and would wish Itinerant well. I hope life is better soon.
Best Wishes
Best wishes Nicole! Don't let RL get you down too badly. Remember that you can always come here to the closet and hide with the rest of us!
Heartfelt wishes
I want to add my own heartfelt wishes for strength and recovery.
Having so recently and so often been occupied fighting off my own demons, I know what it's like to be in that position.
It's important that we rally around each other and support each other.
To quote Benjamin Franklin, "We should hang together, for assuredly we shall all hang separately." (Sorry for the gallows humor.)
All my best,
Life = 10^-6 torr
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders
To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Thread Hijack -- Itinerant update
To all:
Thank you for the kind words, thoughts, and prayers. The current situation John referred to is a nephew who's in critical condition in the hospital and not expected to recover.
His mother is having a horrible time, not surprisingly, and fortunately they're close enough that my honey can be there.
Being unable to help, other than provide a shoulder to cry on, is frustrating.
We'll make it through.
Nicole (a.k.a. Itinerant)
Veni, Vidi, Velcro:
I came, I saw, I stuck around.