The classic line from Captain Renault in Casablanca, just before he collects his gambling winnings, is a perfect lead in to today’s latest news from the Orange Asshat in Washington, D.C.
Trump today announced that he is firing the director of the Office of Government Ethics, a man who was confirmed by the US Senate in November 2024 and sworn in December 16, 2024 for a five year term - a term that would have lasted completely through Trump’s second term. See the attached news article:
This should come as no shock to anyone as we all know that Trump and his cronies cannot stand anyone looking into their ethics because they have none! Even Captain Renault would be shocked at the total lack of ethics within the Trump administration.
The OGE is tasked with collecting confidential and public financial disclosures and ethics disclosures from the President, VP, and cabinet members. It is also tasked with ensuring that there are no conflicts of interest with that group ethically fulfilling the requirements of their jobs, and insuring they properly adhere to the Constitution and laws of the land.
See the mission statement of the office within the attached article.
Yeah, I am shocked, shocked to find out that Trump has shut down the group tasked with watching his lack of ethics, lol.
On a related note, look up the meaning of the term arbitrary and capricious. - a term which we will all become very familiar with in the next few years……….