For the last week I have been batching it, which means I'm dressed up as long as I don't have to take the dog for a walk. Mostly I sit in my recliner and read, which usually invites one of the cats to curl up above my pot belly and snooze. However, when I'm wearing my bra and inserts their perch is no longer available. No way am I going to let those sharp claws rest on my gel-filled inserts.
Hard as it is to ignore that imploring little face butting mine, they're out of luck no matter how many times they try to come back - cats are always convinced they will get what they want if they are persistent enough.
And they’re (almost) always right!
I pity da kitties, but I’m glad you’re getting some proper girl time, Ricky. Enjoy — and happy new year!
— Emma
and just how long did it take you to learn that cats don't have owners, they have servants. we had three at one point, years ago. two never got beyond what i would call medium size, but they did allow us to share the queen size bed with them. the other i would class as huge, at least 15 pounds if not more, and she was not fat. we were on a family picnic one day when she walked out of the woods, crossed the street, making everyone stop. she walked up to me, ripped the chicken thigh out of my hands, devoured it, then walked over to my utility cover, climbed in and went to sleep. the vet said she was only about 4 weeks old, not yet weaned. her favorite trick was to jump on the bed, then to the top of the room door while i was asleep. she then got down by jumping onto my abdomen, all 15 pounds. broke our hearts when she had to go live with my brother.
Cats Rule
Ricky, sweety, your feline owner is tolerating your rude behavior. Better be apologizing by offering up "please forgive me snacks". Do I need to remind you cats are witch's familiars? Spells are cast to cats and the cat sends the spell out to do whatever it was intended to do. Few know the truth is cats don't need a witch to cast a spell as they are very capable of doing so on their own. It would be most embarrassing for your beautiful wife to return home and find a frog in said chair because said cat became tired of you not providing a lap for nesting.
Hugs Ricky
Sometimes the best situation in life is to not fight what is impossible to prevent.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Is it possible that you forgot a '?
Should the subject line have been "My cats' object"?
Time for a kevlar 'claw-resistant'™ bra ?
Time for a Kevlar 'claw-resistant'™ bra ? ;-)
here is a link
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann