Four days earlier, lady in front of me was holding two planted pots. She tried to get the attention of the man pushing a cart already headed for the exit. Wasn't having much luck.
Obviously she wanted him to wait so she could pay for her plants and put them in the cart. "Ma'am do you want him back?"
She glanced in my direction and nodded, "Yes." Then turned her attention toward him.
You've seen the movies or maybe even heard it yourself. Someone puts their fingers in their mouth and the loudest shrill you ever heard comes out. I don't need my fingers. When I turned loose everyone jumped. We had his and everyone's attention. I tried to look innocent but it wasn't working. The lady turned around to stare at me and...
"She whistled!!"
So much for acting like it wasn't me.
The husband came back and she had to motion toward me. "That was her."
Okay, it was funny and everyone started laughing including me as I shrugged my shoulders and tried the innocent look. People were exiting the store and still turning to look at me while smiling. Oh come on people, I know females can whistle, maybe not that loud. I suspect the dirty jeans and denim blouse with a little bling on it didn't help me look that innocent.
OKC, slim, black, skirt, knee length. Satin,liquid brown blouse, French cuffs. I never button the top button because it is too close to the top. I love her with all my heart and she's the sweetest thing as my physical therapist which I don't need but...,
"You need to put another button on that shirt."
"It has another button." I closed it up just for her. "I've got some and they are real."
She knew I wasn't talking about buttons. "Yes, I can see that."
I unbuttoned the top button as soon as I walked out of her office. Everyone I met today gave me nice compliments, including the two policemen I got on the elevator with. Of course I returned the compliment. Two handsome men in uniform packing heat? They did look like handsome devils.
What I want as a take away is each person is uniquely individual. It was fun to laugh with those in Walmart. And it didn't make any difference to close the top button if that was what she wanted and possibly she had a better acceptance of me. Any speculation on my part why seeing a little cleavage bothered her would be just that, speculation. I upset enough people, mostly those who misunderstand religion and the KJV bible. I don't need to alienate any more. Everyone has an opinion. If it doesn't make a difference, work with them. It's the same as she, miss, him, he, mister. Pronouns mean very little to me.
I admit I like miss but sir is almost as good.
Hugs People, try and go with the flow unless it's really important like life and death situation.
Well said Barbie
Those of us old enough to remember the Cultural Revolution in China know what making everyone look, think and act the same does to people.
Monocultures can't survive.
Vive la Difference!
Highlighting the differences between us walking bipeds is what makes literature so vibrant.
I remember
A lovely cartoon, it was based in China and they were all walking along dressed the same and two were highlighted, one of who said to the other, 'Actually I'm a transvestite'.
Crowing hens
"Crowing hens and whistling girls come to no good end." ... or so my Aunt Lillian use to say. She was a farm wife who had 8 children, half of them girls. Crowing hens were first on the dinner table on her farm.
I do need to use my fingers for that whistle. I use thumb an middle finger on one hand. my father used the little fingers of both hands. That whistle will carry about a mile. When I heard it as a child I knew that I was supposed to be where ever that whistle emanated from; usually home. My kids and our dog learned to come to that whistle as well. The dog could pick out that whistle even in high noise areas. So when he was out with the kids and they didn't hear the whistle because the park they played at was next to a major arterial he'd head for home and the kids new they'd better follow him.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann