The Future of BigCloset -- We Are Janglewood LLC

We Are Janglewood LLC

As of last week, Piper, Cat and I have incorporated as Janglewood, LLC.

Janglewood LLC

This is mostly to keep the taxman happy but it offers some advantages, too. We are not a non-profit, at least, not yet. We may do that next year but that's a whole 'nother kitten tangled up in a ball of string.

We're moving the servers to a new COLO where we are also installing the new servers. This will increase our monthly expenses by about $500 bucks because cheap COLOs are pretty much non-existent anymore (thank you, BitCoin miners) . We couldn't install our new more powerful servers in our old COLO for less than an added $450+ a month so we are going with a new place close enough that Piper can drive there to do installs and such.

Anyway, we are getting ready to install, configure and turn on the new servers. This should improve our service immensely but we have already spent in excess of $5000 in the last 40 days or so. We need some gifts, either via The Hatbox in the left column or through our new Pay Pal box on our new Janglewood Page.

You should be seeing a faster, more reliable BigCloset within a week or less.

Anything you can give will be appreciated. And if you can't, we understand that, too.


Erin, Piper and Cat