Girlery -8- Jungle Tail

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Who Jane?
Me Jane?

The tits are kind of fun but if "She" will just remove the Curse of the Red Moon,
maybe this time Zantar will kiss "Her" Magic Rod like "She" asked before.
In fact, that kind of sounds like fun, too.

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Definitely NOT Tarzan

If Zantar did the gorila thumping on chest bit that Tarzan does, it would really hurt.

Um, what kind of 'magic rod' are we talking about here? Inquiring readers want to know.

Nice to start off the work week silly.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Don't say the T word

erin's picture

ERB, Inc. might be listening.

Once at the San Diego Comic Con, while the dealer room was being set up, I watched a guy dressed as Tarzan plug in an electric guitar. Just about the time I thought, "Hey, he looks like Ray Stevens!" he launched into "Gitarzan!"

Guess what? :)

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


She needs one of her little ape friends to tweeze those brows. Talk about a jungle!

Eyebrows would be the least o

Eyebrows would be the least of my worries in her case... the jungle under that loincloth could be far worse than any mere eyebrow!