Sam and Del -17- Am I on a date with a boy?

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Maybe I could hide in the shoe store again?

Sam and Del
17. Am I on a date with a boy?
by Erin Halfelven

I like Cheesecake Factory but I'm not actually as fond of it as I just pretended. And that had backfired spectacularly, because now I was traipsing across the parking lot with Pasco-freaking-DelForte who I had been trying to avoid with my dumb-show about cheesecake!

"Careful," said Del as we reached the stairs leading from the upper parking lot to the lower one next to the restaurant. Who puts stairs in the middle of six acres of parking? How much is an acre, anyway?

There were no guide rails on the stairs, more insanity. They weren't that steep, but still.

Del reached for my hand, asking, "Are you wearing heels?"

"No," I said but I let him take my hand anyway. His felt rough and hard, not like my hand at all. He had huge hands, in fact—the better to play basketball, I supposed.

We went down the steps holding hands. I couldn't work out why I was letting him hold my hand. I felt giddy and severely tempted by giggles.

"You have a nice smile," he commented.

I opened my mouth and closed it again.

Somehow we reached the restaurant, still holding hands. The place was filling fast but we beat the crowd and were taken to our table quickly. Del held the chair for me, and I sat down, nervously looking from side to side to see if anyone looked scandalized at our behavior.

An older couple smiled at me, both of them. What were they thinking? Heck, I'm such a poor telepath, I didn't even know what I was thinking. At least we weren't holding hands anymore.

The menu seemed to be printed in Old High Church Slavonian, but the pictures were nice. I kept looking up from the menu and seeing Del. He had a long lean face, dark hair in a plain cut that suited him, and warm brown eyes with flecks of green and gold in them.

Which is when I realized we had been sitting there staring at each other. I looked down at the menu quickly. What did he think he was seeing when he looked at me with his sad eyes and a smile so near his mouth? Did I look as much like a goof as I was feeling?

The waitress stopped at our table. "Something to drink?" she inquired. I pointed at the picture of the raspberry iced tea. Del ordered something brown and fizzy. The waitress went away.

The noise in the room increased as an early lunch crowd filtered in. The sound became a wall around our table. I kept trying to read the menu but found myself studying Del's face while he studied mine. What is happening, I wondered? What is happening to me, to us?

The waitress returned with our drinks. "Have you decided?" she asked. Decided what? That we're on a date? That no one has ever looked at me the way Del is? That I've never seen anyone who fascinates me like he does?

Del ordered something, a burger with ham and an egg on it. Huh? I wrinkled my nose at him and he laughed. The waitress asked again what I wanted and I pointed to a picture.

"The California burger?" she asked and I confirmed by nodding. "Do you want fries?"

I shook my head.

"She can have some of mine," Del offered.

I smiled.

After she walked away, he commented, "Calling it California means it has avocado on it."

I nodded.

"Do you like avocado?"

I shrugged.

He laughed softly. "I wonder what they call it in California?"

I thought about that but couldn't think of anything to say on the subject.

"Maybe they have something they call a Long Island burger?" he suggested. "What would that have on it?"

"Not avocado?" I ventured after a moment. "Maybe grape leaves and coney sauce?"

He laughed and I liked the way he laughed. "So you can talk again?" he observed.

I bit my lip and opened my eyes wide.

He shook his head and laughed some more. "Why grape leaves?" he asked.


"Why grape leaves on the Long Island burgers in California?"

"I don't know. Maybe they think we have a lot of Greek hamburger stands?"

He had trouble replying to that and I got the giggles, too.

"That makes no sense!" he finally managed. "They don't put grape leaves on hamburgers in Greek burger places!"

"Well, not here," I said. "But maybe they do in California?"

"And that—that makes it a Long Island burger?"

"Sure!" I nodded, feeling my braids move on my back. I put a hand up to pull them in front and arrange them better.

He watched me, smiling. "The coney sauce makes sense."

"That would probably be good," I agreed.

"They put coney sauce on spaghetti noodles in Detroit. They call it a Michigan," he noted.

I shook my head, making my braids move again. "That's their own state. They're doing it wrong." We both laughed and when we stopped, I felt my face burning.

Del reached across the table and caught my hand with his, right beside the raspberry tea. I stared at him and he looked back, his steady brown eyes smiling this time, though his eyebrows still made him look sad.

I took a deep breath to say something but I don't know what because our food came just then. The waitress brought our burgers each on their own plate and a whole platter of french fries which she set between us. We moved our hands to make room, and she smiled at us both and winked at me.

My face burned again but I stuck the tip of my tongue out while I stole a fry off the platter. Then I moved my braids back behind me to keep food off them.

I took the top off my burger to look at the avocado slices. "No grape leaves," I said, trying to sound disappointed.

"You just can't get a good Long Island burger around here anymore," Del said mournfully, like it was a real tragedy. He did it so well, I got the giggles again. "You have to go to California," he added, finishing me off.

"Or, or, or Michigan!" I sputtered.

We ate burgers and fries and talked about more silly stuff. And laughed. A lot.

I was having a really good time with the boy who once pulled my hair and caused me to sock him in the crotch when my phone started ringing. Del's phone rang at almost the same time. "Probably the parental units," he said.

"The who?" I said, distracted while I remembered that my phone was probably in my purse. "Why do you call them that?"

"It's from an old TV show, my Dad quotes it all the time," Del explained. Then he simply pulled his phone from his shirt pocket and answered it.

Me, I first had to retrieve my purse hanging from my chair back, and then the strap got tangled with my braids so that the phone had quit ringing by the time I had it in my hand. Caller ID said, "Mom" but I had figured that already. My own personal parental unit.

It rang again while I still had it in my hand. I pushed the button to answer it. "Gah!" I said.

"Having fun?" Mom asked. "Ready for some more shopping?"

"I guess," I admitted. "I think I'm going to need some high heel shoes," I suggested, looking at Del. "He's like a foot taller than me."

Mom just laughed. Had I said that out loud? No fair, she caught me by surprise.

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aww, so cute . . .

"That no one has ever looked at me the way Del is? That I've never seen anyone who fascinates me like he does?"

ah, love. such a cute couple . . .


Sam and Del sitting in a tree...

erin's picture

Sam just hasn't figured it out yet. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

This is becoming such a sweet story

Angharad's picture

until he finds out what's under the blond hair, but I am enjoying it, so thank you Erin.


Under the blond hair?

erin's picture

Is the blonde! :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Cheesecake Factory

SammyC's picture

Ahh, memories of the Walt Whitman Mall in Huntington off Route 110. Long Guyland. Many milk shakes and burgers ago. BTW, they did and still have a California Cheesesteak on the lunch menu:



Right you are

erin's picture

Cheap substitutes are not acceptable. The real thing is more expensive--especially after the airfare!


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Oh yeah!

Ever since I moved out to California, I've been to plenty of places that offered cheesesteaks. While a couple of them came close, there's definitely nothing quite like a Philly cheesesteak. And scrapple. I've been pining for scrapple forever, but I've yet to find anyplace that offers it.


erin's picture

Really, scrapple?

What a thing to miss! For those who don't know, scrapple is a kind of organ-meat "sausage" in the Philadelphia area. We have a kind of related beast in Arkansas called head-cheese. I don't like either of them. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

I think

erin's picture

I think that's the one I'm setting this in. With the big cracks in the parking lot pavement?

California cheesesteak has jalapenos!


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Cracks still there

SammyC's picture

well, last time I was there. Everytime I visited the old homestead, my nieces and nephew wanted me to take them to the mall and lunch at Cheesecake Factory. Thank god they're adults now and they have to invite ME to lunch or, preferably, dinner in Manhattan. That mall was more a part of my younger sister's life than mine. When it opened in the late '70s I was away in college, miles away from the North Shore of Long Island.



Never been there

erin's picture

I just scouted the place with Google. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


It looks like Sam is enjoying the date and is looking forward to more if she wants high heels since he is so tall.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna

Sam is having fun

erin's picture

But she's still pretty clueless. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

I was worried that Sam was

I was worried that Sam was going to stay quiet and reserved the whole time. I'm glad she opened up and started to enjoy herself. Life is always more fun that way.


erin's picture

And Sam is always an optimist. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Restaurant Clash

Never been to a Cheesecake Factory but it seems odd to me that a place that is named Cheesecake Factory would sell cheesesteak sandwiches. Totally different horses. Not to mention that most people I've known think the sandwich is composed of really good stuff totally ruined by being combined.*

And if the picture you showed a couple of chapters back is Del then a ten foot pole would not be long enough. 'Course I'm a lesbian so I use a ten foot pole with pretty much all guys.

*Tried one. Took a single bite, put it down, and ordered a cheeseburger. And yes, I insisted on paying for both sandwiches, not their fault.

Damaged people are dangerous
They know they can survive


erin's picture

You're saying you're dating a ten-foot Pole? Or you would? :)

Del is only a six-three Italian so I guess he's safe.

Just kidding about the Pole. :)

Cheesecake Factory is a burger place that serves cheesecake, or maybe it's the other way round? They probably have too big a menu but they have a low-carb cheesecake (crust made of crushed nuts) that my diabetic friends will drive a long way to enjoy.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Cheesecake Factory

The Cheesecake Factory has more varieties of cheesecake than I could count, as well as actual food. However, it's not a good place for someone on a diet.


We don't need no stinkin' diet! Just cheesecake! If I lived close to one I'd eat there at least three times a week and try a different flavor everytime! Decide on the best flavors and keep them in constant rotation. But I'd still favor my cherry cheesecake addiction. Them's good eaten!!

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Cherry cheesecake is good

erin's picture

And would be in my rotation. But they have one with lemon-flavored custard and a thin chocolate shell on top covered in dulce de leche whipped cream. Yikes! :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

It's fine

erin's picture

One of the best ways to diet is be strict but allow yourself the occasional treat.

It's just like with boyfriends. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


Another fun chapter! I was grinning all the way through it, with fits of giggles scattered throughout. Sam seems to be getting along with Del a lot better than I'd been expecting, especially since their last interaction involved Del being punched in the crotch. I hope things go okay when/if Del finds out Sam is a bit different than most girls.


erin's picture

I had a lot of fun writing it. Just wind those two up and giggles happen. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.