Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1106.

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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 1106
by Angharad

Copyright © 2010 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

I sat holding Trish’s hand as she slept. One thing was certain, she would never be a boy again. However, while her full recovery was of paramount importance I had some other fish to fry, as they say.

“Social Services are going to be a pain,” I said to Simon, hopefully out of Trish’s hearing.

“Why? These things happen.”

“Do they? How many six year olds castrate themselves in your social group?”

“Um–okay, it’s an unusual occurrence.”

“They’ll try to prove I’m an unsuitable person as a mother and take the kids off me.”

“What? That’s ridiculous–you’re a brilliant mother.”

“Yeah, here’s the evidence,” I nodded at Trish.

“But that could have happened any time.”

“I know, but they’ll still try neglect or insufficient supervision or some such thing.”

“Okay, Sam Rose is on your side, so will Stephanie. I need to make a phone call.” He nipped out of the little room and I concentrated on Trish.

“Come on, sweetheart, get yourself better.” I stroked her forehead.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled and said, “Mummy,” then they closed and she drifted off again.

“Okay, we have a barrister standing by, she specialises in child custody cases.” Simon looked pleased with himself.

“How much will that cost?”

“Does it matter?”

“Yes, because I don’t know if it’ll work.”

“You have a better suggestion?”

“Not at the moment, but we have to make sure the judge or whoever, doesn’t think we’re using money to steamroller all before us.”

“But we are.”

“I know, but I’d prefer it was done with subtlety.”

“If it worked, I’d nuke the whole county council.”

“Yeah, I expect you would,” I sighed and mumbled.


“It’s got to be good.” I lied but he was quite happy with the deception.

We sat with our baby for a couple of hours, she did wake and apologise and we both forgave her and told her that her recovery was all that mattered. She cried and went back to sleep.

Sam Rose came to see her and me, and reiterated his willingness to act as a professional witness if necessary. I hugged him and thanked him.

A little later, Julie came up with the baby in a carrycot and a bag containing all sorts of things. “We haven’t got any more milk,” she said handing me the baby. I opened my bra and she sucked on my nipple so hard, I suspect when she let go, it would be about three feet long. Julie handed me a note from Stella which I read while feeding the baby.


I hope Trish is okay, she lost a lot of blood. I’ve taken the liberty to engage a nanny to help look after the kids. The contract will last for a month with an option to renew, Daddy’s picking up the bill for now.



Suddenly everyone wants to help–I hope because they can see this is serious and not just because Trish was ill.

Simon came back with a tray of tea and some sandwiches, “Oh hello, Julie, d’you want a cuppa?”

“No thanks, Daddy, I’ve got to dash back, Gramps is waiting in the car park. See you later, Mummy.”

She pecked me on the cheek and ran off.

“Oh, you have your hands full.”

“I can still manage a cuppa,” I stated grabbing one of the teas.

“I need to get a photo of you doing that, it’s just so beautiful.” Simon was in raptures, but then it wasn’t his lungs being sucked out via his nipples. I began to wonder if Baby C was some sort of alien, like in all those B-movies.

I showed him the note. “Good idea, my sister is starting to use her brain for more than stopping her eyeballs rattling about in her skull.”

“Stella has done more for me since I’ve been looking after the baby, than since she knocked me off my bike that time.”

“That was three years ago.” He shook his head, “Three bloody years ago.”

“Never mind another eleven and they’ll give you parole,” I suggested switching the baby to my other boob after burping her. She whimpered then gave a huge burrrp and began to hiccup. Simon thought that was hilarious.

She sat in my arms trying to focus on the noise of him laughing, only to jerk each time one of the peristaltic convulsions occurred. He roared with laughter and she began to cry. I put her back on my breast and she calmed down immediately.

“Mummy, can I hear the baby?” a weak little voice came from the bed.

“Yes, darling, I’m feeding her at the moment.”

“Oh, can I go to my own bed then, this one’s very hard.” Then she went off to sleep again.

A nurse came in and wasn’t at all sure about a young baby on a ward. I explained I had to feed her and she tutted and left after checking on Trish. I shoved her down in her carrycot and she slept. I drank a few glasses of water and sure enough, began to leak from my udders.

I expressed quite a lot of milk and stored it in the bottle Stella had packed in the bag.
“Why don’t you take her home and get some rest, I’ll stay with Trish,” offered Simon.

“Unless you take her, remember to put the milk in the fridge.”

“No you go, here;” he dangled his car keys in front of me.

“You mean I get to drive the Jag?”

“No, you can catch a bus–of course you get to drive my car, just take care of it.”

“It would be better if I stayed and you took tiny wee home.”

“Don’t be ridiculous–now you promised to love honour and obey–so do it.”

“I did no such thing, and I’ll do no such thing. I’m an independent woman.”

“I thought you read the Guardian,” he joked.

“Ha ha,” It was better than his usual fare.

“Go on, get some sleep, see you later–oh and save some milkshakes for me.”

“On yer bike,” I said back to him and picking up the carrycot and the other bag, struggled down to the lift and thence to the car park.

I drove home worrying too much to think about which car I was driving, it was a means to an end, nothing more. I felt shattered but we got home safely and I handed the baby over to Julie while Danny grabbed the bag and carried it in.

I gave them all a quick resume of what had happened so far and then went off for a little snooze. Livvie came and lay alongside me, she was very worried about her sister.

A couple of hours later, a strange woman brought me in a cuppa, “Hello, Lady Cameron, I’m Jenny Bell, your nanny–if you express some milk, I’ll feed the little one for you.”

“There’s some in the fridge I hope, I did half a bottle before we left hospital.”

“I’ll go and look, you stay and rest.”

I lay back on the bed and seconds later I was comatose again.


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I do believe it is a good

I do believe it is a good thing that Stella and Simon are "circling the wagons" so to speak before Social Services comes on the scene. Cathy should not have to be found as a bad mother for any reason, but there is those one or two SS workers who definitely do not like her and would like to take her down. Hopefully, they are not placed on the case, but who knows for sure.


Trish is alive, everyone's okay and Julie, Simon and Stella are using their heads for more than a wigstand.

Whatever next? Social Services?

1106 episodes and still a great read. I really don't know how you do it.


Never a smooth moment.

Well, I can't identify with Trish's problem because at her age, I was simply hoping to live long enough to get away from my stepfather. However, had I run into roadblocks at her age, I wonder if I would have done the same thing. I wonder what a certain person thinks of all this? Certainly, modern treatment protcols would lessen the likelihood of such an occurance.


Bike pt 1106.

What Trish did can and will have repercussion for Clan Cameron and possibly a miracle when the Blue Light shows that Trish has female plumbing that her outie was hiding and will give Mummy Cathy's Doctor reason to check and show that she has female plumbing, now.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Oy vey.

Cathy finds things to worry about, doesn't she...

One thing I wondered about - Now that Trish is actually adopted, are Child Services as "involved" and able to "break" the custody? Just curious... If there's nobody to complain, that Cathy's not providing a good home for the girl. Why should they step in? (okay, it's a story and you need problems. I'm asking in the real world terms... Thanks. Curious lady that I am.)

Stella's suddenly functioning again. Hopefully this is a good thing!



Parents don't "own" children, even natural parents. Many children in care were taken from abusive or negligent parents for their own safety. The mission of child protective services agencies supersedes parental rights, especially in those cases where the parents don't deserve any rights because they are harming their children. If anything, though, they err on the side of the parents more often than not, simply because there isn't the capacity to care for the children in "the system."

It would take a very dim, or a very bigoted person to go after Cathy in a serious way. Unfortunately, there's no shortage of them.

define 'Harm'

The problem in defining 'harm' is that it's loaded with dangers.

As it stands the mission statement of Social services and it's priority over Parental rights at the moment gives all the agencies of care power absolute to hide their abuses of children AND THEY DO ABUSE CHILDREN IN CARE. What is worse, that supreme agency of care, the Family court invariable protects the abusers in care. It happened to me and IT STILL GOES ON TODAY. Look at what happened in Jersey when they found those milk teeth with bits of bone still attached in the Cellar of what had previously been a residential children's home.
Well readers. HERE IS WISDOM!!!
If you remove a child's milk teeth early on, the child will have no teeth until the adult teeth appear. This means that a very young child (Under 6 years-of-age) forced to perform oral sex on a male abuser cannot use it's first defensive reaction namely to bite the offending phallus, - because the milk teeth have been removed!!! That's why their milk teeth were removed in Jersy, to stop them biting the abuser's penises.



(Why oh why do I have to bang on?)




Adoptive parents are treated very much like natural parents, and if there is a wiff of abuse, social services will and have to get involved. Things changed a bit after the Victoria Climbie and more recently the death of baby P, things have been tightened up.

A side note on adoption. An adoption is classified as final. A case occured several months ago which highlighted some of the issues with that. A couple was found to have been guilty of child abuse over death of their child - the parents always said they were innocent. They had just had another baby, and that baby was taken into care and adopted. New evidence came to light that proved that the parents were innocent - the child that died had a rare illness (I think it was), that wasn't understood at the time. Even though they were not guilty of child abuse, they had no right to have their surviving child back.


About Time They Got A Nanny

Something they should have done a long time ago. The nanny
should have been a priority.

Jenny Bell

Along with another Jenny B., I wonder if the new nanny is a cyclist.

Thanks A+B: really loved the witty repartee in the following bit:

I showed him the note. “Good idea, my sister is starting to use her brain for more than stopping her eyeballs rattling about in her skull.”

“Stella has done more for me since I’ve been looking after the baby, than since she knocked me off my bike that time.”

“That was three years ago.” He shook his head, “Three bloody years ago.”

“Never mind, another eleven and they’ll give you parole,” I suggested

Pedaling Support

Bike Resources

I think Cathy needs another talk with

her "goddess" buddy while sleeping. Seriously, I know She held Trish's hand but did she energize her? Probably, since she can't help but do it when it's needed. Would be cool if Trish now turned out ot have female plumbing but so far Angharad has not written that kind of blue light miracle into the story and she's had plenty of opportunities. Guess I'm not going to even pretend ot expect it.

Blue Light Healing

My understanding of BLH as written is that it just repairs damaged tissues - nothing more. Even the removal of Henry's bullet could be explained in that way - repairing the tissues along its flight path in reverse order, thereby pushing the bullet out en-route.

Providing a complete set of female plumbing would involve a significant amount of abdominal reconfiguration - never mind the creation of structures that didn't previously exist.

It's remotely possible the female personification of deity that Cathy had a chat to could do that, but I don't think it's her style. After all, under extremely rare circumstances, even a male not exposed to estrogens can lactate - so tweaking Cathy's hormone mix to provide a boost of prolactin and oxytocin isn't doing something that's impossible.

Besides which, as Cathy herself stated many episodes ago, if BLH was capable of constructing a complete set of female genitalia, don't you think she would have used it for that purpose by now?


Bike Resources

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

Always thought of the blue light as

fixing "what's wrong" and in the case of poor Trish, what's wrong is more than a self induced cut and castration. Horrible though if the blue light fixed her back to where she was.

Simon is right

When he says does it matter, Any father would do the same to protect his family ,The only thing different in the Cameron's case is their money

And who would blame them for using it!!!


The new nanny

...is much too good to be true. When has Stella ever done something right? :)

Wait till she figures out that some of the girls aren't what they seem...

Social Services

Have you noticed how just about everyone hates social services.

They MUST be doing it wrong!
Good ephisode Angie.
Still lovin it.
Posted late today, R/L




The family is pulling in the same direction.

There you go, Tom hired a good Scotswoman to help with the Kids.
Now if we can get Maureen on board, things will be shipshape in no time.


The family is pulling in the same direction.

There you go, Tom hired a good Scotswoman to help with the Kids.
Now if we can get Maureen on board, things will be shipshape in no time.
