Dorothy Colleen

got some lovely responses

I got a lovely response to my blog yesterday, including this on Discord: "Every ones hell is their own. The demons we carry are our own. We can not compare our horror to another's for they are each unique. It is not how your pain compares to others, or even that you have or how much pain you are in. It is how you weather it. Dot, you always weather the storms well. Yes, good and bad times. But these are the times that have made us who we are and you are indomitable in your charity, love and caring. Never forget that."

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The Reluctant Birthday Princess

The Reluctant Birthday Princess

Edward Mathews sighed as soon as the alarm went off.

He considered calling in sick, but knew that would only delay the inevitable, so he got up, got dressed, and trudged to work.

"What a crappy way to spend my birthday" He thought, as he entered the building that held the company he worked for.

"I exist because you say I can,"

"I exist because you say I can"

That's a line from the latest chapter of "The interview", but it also describes the way I feel going out in public as a woman.

I'm extremely lucky here, for the most part people are too busy with their own lives to worry about the guy in a dress, but I am always aware that exceptions do exist.

I never forget I do not pass, that I exist as a woman because nobody cares enough to fight me on that.

That's puts me above what some trans people deal with, but the anxiety is always there, that's just the way it is.

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Dot the spy?

So last night I dreamed I was on a spaceship. It was designed a little like a sub, in that every so often there was a doorway with a door that could seal off an area if a breach occurred. I was looking for something, which has been a common theme of a lot of my dreams, by the difference in this dream was that it was clear I didn't belong, as I was always trying to keep out of the sight of the crew and passengers.

Well, since recently I've dreamed of being a movie star and a superhero, I guess I can add spy to my list of dream jobs ...

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Rose the Bunny

Rose the Bunny

Rosey Red gave me this idea. Make of it what you will.

His name wasn't Scrooge, but it might as well had been.

His actual name was Richard Rose, and throughout the small town he lived in, there was no one richer, but no one less kind or less generous.

And yet there was one person who wanted nothing more than to see his heart soften.

Her name was Penny, and every night she prayed for him, saying “Somebody must have hurt Mr. Rose, which is why he’s so mean. So God, heal his heart.”

I'm fraying at the edges

Anybody who has gone through male puberty can tell you, it's stressful. It's stressful enough for a cis boy with no other major stressors, but it was worse in my case, as neither of those things was true for me.

The worst part was whenever I got aroused, and my male equipment did what it's supposed to do under those circumstances. Those moments were incredibly painful, both physically and psychologically, and I sometimes feel I barely survived them.

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what I'm working on

Its been a while since I've given an update on what stories I'm working on, so here goes:

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Dot:set in Amethyst's Hyperverse, its the story of a young man with gender issues, who is turned into a girly girl.

Rose the Bunny:Is it weird that I'm writing a Christmas story in May? This one is thanks to Rosy Redd, so when it comes out, blame her. :P

The secret of Myth:Its possible everybody gave up on this story, cause I had nothing for a long time. But its not dead yet ...

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"10 years, 12 months"

"10 years, 12 months".

That's how long my account says I've been a member here.

I honestly dont know what I would have done if I hadn't found this place, but its unlikely I would have found the courage to transition without the support I got here.

Thank you all, for 11 wonderful years, and I'm hoping I get many more.

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Origins # 1

Origins #1

Author’s note: This is the first in what might be a series of short essays about some of my favorite fictional universes. Today; we’ll take a look at the backstory of the Land, the world of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever.

The story of the Land, and the larger world that it is a part of, begins with a Creator. The Creator sought to make a living world, so first he used white gold and wild magic to forge the Arch of Time, as a place for his world to be made within, and a bridge of light to connect it to himself.

Dot the super-heroine ?

Okay, so last night I had a pretty strange dream. In the the dream, I was at a house with a bunch of other people, when a man came in with a huge trunk. He opened the trunk, and furniture popped out - and creatures I can only describe as shadow-spiders, basically a ball of darkness with little tendrils that it used like legs.

I backed up, and said, "I'm afraid of those shadow-things."

As if attracted by the sound of my voice, one of the shadow-spiders leaped towards me, with shadow fangs ready to strike.

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Coven encounter

Coven encounter

“I should have known before I even tried that the coven had thought of everything.” I thought to myself.

I had stopped on my way home and bought makeup remover, nail polish remover, a pair of hair clippers, and a set of male clothes, but they all proved useless.

The makeup and nail polish survived my attempts to remove them without so much as a spot, and while I was actually able to cut my hair, it regrew in seconds.

a kiss isnt just a kiss?

So last night, I got to thinking about a conversation I had a few days ago, where I mentioned I always found kissing someone on the lips upsetting. And in fact I used to say I'd rather kiss or be kissed anywhere but the lips. As I was mulling this over, it occurred to me that this sense of panic reminded me of the panic I got going into a shower, and I wondered if it has a similar cause - that at some point, a kiss on the lips got associated with something terrible, something I couldnt recall consciously recall but my body responded to.

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dysphoria dream

So last night I dreamed I was at a church function. I was upstairs, cleaning up a bunch of toy trucks, and then went downstairs to see that all the girls had turned the dining area into a fancy tea party. My dysphoria hit me like a physical blow, and I dumped my load of toy trucks on a counter and staggered back upstairs. I woke weeping.

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what do I do with my drabbles?

After I published my last little piece, I was informed I've been mislabeling them as "drabbles". I always thought a drabble was 100 words or less, apparently its 100 words exactly. So what do I do about the section of my stories titled "Dorothy's Drabbles"?

Suggestions please.

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Dot the movie star?

So last night I dreamed a pretty interesting dream. It started with me seemingly on board a space station desperately trying to prevent an explosion that would kill everyone on board. But then I was sitting in a movie theater, watching me save the day. I left the theater, and encountered a small girl dressed as my character. She recognized me, and I gave her an autograph.

Kinda neat, no?

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Am I making the right choice ?

One of my problems is that I suck at making decisions. I flip back and forth, or just turtle and hope the situation goes away on its own. Well I'm dealing with that now in terms of getting stomach surgery. The closer I come to the time of the surgery, the less certain I am that I'm making the right call.

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Protective Coloring

Protective Coloring

Humans are a weird species.

Yeah, I know, that’s probably not a shock, but let me give you an example.

You may have noticed that if you hang around people with a particular accent or way of speaking, you start to pick it up, and sound more like them the more time you spend with them.

I guess its like protective coloring. We want to belong, to not stand out.

Like I knew a fellow who moved from Canada to Nashville, and within a year, he was you’alling like a native, and there are other examples I could give you.

even in my dreams I dont like me

I had a disturbing dream last night. I dreamed I was in a classroom and was having trouble with a problem. I went to my mom who was a guest of the class, but the teacher overheard me and said I was supposed to work with a partner, I replied bitterly, "Yeah but I have zero social skills and nobody likes me."

sighs. even my dreams have a low opinion of me.

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running with snakes

so last night I dreamed that during a marathon that I was participating in I saw a large snake about to get among the runners, I was able to capture the snake holding it just behind the head. And with barriers on both sides of the course, I felt I had no choice but to finish the course while keeping a hold on the critter.

Bizarre, yes?

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dreams of failure and frustration

Last night, I had a dream full of failure and frustration. First I was in a large group being assigned with building something from Leggo and I struggled to find pieces, and my finished product looked sad compared to the others. Then we cleared off the leggo and we were supposed to learn a dance, but I couldnt see the feet of the instructor, so couldnt march her steps. And even when I had one on one instruction, I couldnt seem to explain what my problem was.

sighs ...

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dream time yet again

I had a dream last night where I was part of a group of people looking for clues in a contest where the top prize was 1 million dollars. At one point we were taking a food break, and I managed to impress a girl with my musical taste. She then gave me a box of stuff she'd collected while looking for clues, and we talked about how I'd get SRS if I won the million. Sadly I didnt find the million, but I seemed to have found a friend.

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