I have a few questions about this site

I have some questions Id like to ask here.

First one is about the story I just posted. When I wrote it, my WORD said I had written five pages. That seemed long enough for something to post but when it posted here it was barely half a page. I guess instead of putting it in the short story category I should had said it was a drabble. Sorry about that. Why did that happen?

My second question, I have other stories id like to write. I sort of written myself into a corner with my first post. I had intended the girlfriend to turn out to have a fetish for crossdressers and push him into doing it again. But as written, I made his character so forceful and almost scary violent do to his past that her controlling him that way makes no sense. So its going on the burner for now while I hit a few other story ideas I have. but some are more graphic so my question is will that be a problem here? Would the admin delete it if it passes a line? What or where is that line. In one of my other ideas, the main character is 15, and had taken some drugs by an incompetent doctor. Well maybe not so incompetent, very competent doctors prescribe new drugs every day that have unintended results. Its not so much the doctors as the drug industry pushing things all the time not fully knowing the results. Thats why attorneys are so rich lol. BUt thats a other thing, will my story idea cross a line here?

My final question is, while posting my first story I was confused by the boxes to check. There was genre, tg themes, and tg elements. What does that all mean?