I was just wondering if there were any guidelines for blog posts, like what is allowed and what isn't. I know that we are a tight knit community and that a lot of information gets passed by in the blogs. I did have some questions though?
Is there a limit to how many times we can post a blog a day?
Are there topics off limits - like politics, criminal activity, the Denver Broncos?
I make mention of my books, are we allowed to advertise? And if so, how often?
Are blogs supposed to be like facebook where we just post everyday stuff?
Can we post lolcats if they have TG messages?
While I'm at it, what was the original purpose for the blogs (I know that it might have changed over time but the BC I belonged to in the past didn't have them)?
Is there a faq or can there be one to let me know?
By the way, "But, I'm not a boy" is doing well and I might post it in a week. I have a romance novel finished and it's in the tweaking phase, I hope people don't get mad that I didn't write about kids and that I got a little "saucy"