publishing a story

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My friend was looking over what I've done so far for my "Quest" story, and thought it might be something worth publishing as a book. Any ideas, suggestions?

research, research, research...

look at the possible publishing houses out there, and then look again... there are too many so called publishers out there that are nothing more than glorified printing companies. my own publisher, PublishAmerica, jumps directly to mind.
find out what the different publishers require, in re: Query letters, what the house publishes etc.
try this book, The Writers Market and this Jeff Herman's guide to Publishers, Editors and Literary agents 2010... both excellent resources.
You want your publisher to market your book with you... not a publisher who expects you to pay them for shoddy marketing...
if your goal is to be read... Marketing is the key...
i just wish i knew then, what i know now...(small smile)
Hugs Sister Dorothy Angel
Angel Diana