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I have been working on a little ghost story, although I don't think it will be done in time for the halloween contest. But even though I only have got about 2,000 words done, I found myself with a bit of a cliffhanger, a great spot to leave readers as the end of a chapter. Your opinion, publish it here, or not?
If you think it is a good
If you think it is a good ending spot for the chapter I say go for ot.
I like to end some chapters of my own stories with cliffhangers sometimes.
Publish, but not yet
My advice is to get the whole story written before you publish any part of it, although I accept I'm probably in the minority over this.
Waiting until it's all complete enables you to go back and weave extra threads into a story at the beginning or in the middle that will add extra texture at the end. Or change small events that will make the ending better.
And also important, if your writing is anything like mine (I start lots of stories and finish only a small fraction of them), it ensures that you're playing fair with your readers, by giving them a story which has an ending. Also, it's not testing their memory too much, if you take many months to put up each chapter.
The downside of waiting? There isn't one in my opinion, except that it teaches you patience, which is not a bad thing anyway.
Good luck with your story.
I agree with Lindale
Finish the story first and then post it. I've done it both ways, written a story while posting it and posted a story after finishing it. Show Me the Money was written while posting, all forty something chapters and I found that created nothing but stress. You put deadelines on your work and feel they must be met. It caused burn outs twice while I posted. Runway was finished before I posted, so all I did was have my editor post it after editing. I seemed like a miricle worker posting two stories at once. After reading many of your blogs, adding the additional preasure wouldn't be a good thing. Good luck with your story, Arecee
Yes - Please Finish Before Posting
RT has a way of changing plans around here. I wonder what percentage of serials are ever finished.
Every segment or chapter that you post should have a complete story arc with a beginning, middle, and end. As much as possible it should be written so that the reader would comprehend it without reading any other part of the story.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)