I am working on a new story, and I could go in two directions - I could do a "G to PG" version, or I could make it raw and go for a "R" or even an "X". which version would you recommend?
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
I am working on a new story, and I could go in two directions - I could do a "G to PG" version, or I could make it raw and go for a "R" or even an "X". which version would you recommend?
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If You Have to Ask
If there is a choice and the story works just as well with or without, the sex will come probably across as gratuitous.
The question then becomes do you want gratuitous sex in your story?
In my opinion only about one in twenty or fewer TG writers are capable of writing a sex scene that isn't really creepy. I usually leave them offstage and let the reader fill in the blanks. The readers minds will do a much better job than I can.
Now -- in the other hand. . . .
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Sounds like someone I know. How about Kenny G? Gratuitous Sax?
Its up to you
Well its up to you what level you go to with the fiction on how rude it could be
For me the classifications i am used are British film ones so
U, PG, 12/12a, 15, 18
which i think the american ones are
G, Pg-13, Pg-15, Nc-17 i think
The MPAA film rating system codes are:
Successor to the LToC
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
I'm curious.
What does NC-17 mean? I know PG = Parental Guidance so presumably NC stand for something. The only film classifications I remember in the UK were U (universal, ie everybody) A (children accompanied by adult) H (horror) X (adults only) not sure what the actual ages were. I know we used hang around outside the cinema if it was an A and persuade someone to "Take us in , Mister?" and usually succeeded :)
Funnily enough, most gratuitous sex in stories I simply skip over. I don't find it particularly erotic. There are other things I do find erotic which most would think were totally innocent. No idea why and I'm not telling. I think sex in stories is OK if it's necessary for the story ie in context. I don't bother with stories where it's the only objective.
Well based on classifcations now
G is U
PG is PG
PG-13 is 12/12a
R is 15
NC-17 is 18
If i remember now
NC stood for No Children (admitted, 17 or youmger). According to Wikipedia, the wording has since been changed to "No One", though the code remained the same. (Possibly because, as one of Karen Lea's characters pointed out, "NO has negative connotations...")
Eric (who never goes to movies anyway)
NC stood for No Children (admitted, 17 or youmger). According to Wikipedia, the wording has since been changed to "No One", though the code remained the same. (Possibly because, as one of Karen Lea's characters pointed out, "NO has negative connotations...")
Eric (who never goes to movies anyway)
Good Question!
I had to answer that too, with Men and Gods, and for my hopefully very scary Halloween story I'm working on. My answer is if it makes sense in the context of the story, go for it. If not like Angela said, I wouldn't.
While I'll confess the need to occassionally to get a fix of gratuitous sex in my reading material, I much prefer to read some thing where sex is mention, when it is part of the story line, but not described in gory detail. That's what my imagination, that your words are trying to stimulate, is for.
Use the film editors guide... if a scene doesn't advance the story, no matter how good it was, or how expensive it was to shoot, it belongs on the cutting room floor and not on the silver screen.
There are plenty of sites I can go to and get my smut fix, so why would one want to sully this nice place?
That's my two-cents worth on the topic.
Linda Jeffries
Too soon old, too late smart.
And yes, at times I can be a self-rightous bastard.
Linda Jeffries

Too soon old, too late smart.
Well, you asked, but this is just me.
I'm a woman; paid the price, bled the blood, did the hard stiff BF. I like nice sweet romantic stories. I want to see my girl swept off her feet and carried off by her handsome prince. Oh sure, he can pin her to the bed and make her squeal with delight, but most of us already either did that or had it happen ... it's sorta private. Maybe I'll get mine in the next life?
I wanna see twisty plots, derring do, see the bad guys vanquished, see the weak little heroine rescued.
But that is just me.
Who are you?
Are you Judy Blume, Jane Austen or Jacqueline Susann?
I wrote some graphic nooky into my Hallowe'en story, but only because the plot needed it. I try and avoid it if I can. Assaid,plenty of smut elsewhere.
As others have allready
As others have allready stated, most sex scenes do not really move the storyline forward. I really liked the treatment that Cyclist gave the normal erotic scenes: Tastefully refering the reader to engage their own imagination (as clean or dirty as that may be). Personaly I prefeer not having to read a blow-by-blow sex scene with all the gory details.
Funny you should say that,just when I have written a rather specific scene, precisely because it is necessary for the narrative! There are times when such things are needed, but it all depends on the story. Something to Declare had no need for anything like that.Uniforms needed something more,because of Melanie's mental state, and sex was the whole point of Playtime's plot twist (without giving anything away).
That said, I do not really like writing such things. It would be like writng a description of a romantic dinner that concentrated on the digestive process.
Personally I perfer 'R' or 'X' to g or ps
Personally I prefer it when a story ends towards the graphic. I get frustrated when a narrative Doesn't end up with some smut at the end. Everyone is different but my vote is for some graphic detail, it helps complete the fantasy.