kudos to old stories

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I would like to encourage people to go back to old stories and leave kudos. There are a lot of great stores that back when there was votes had received a lot of votes, and deserve all the kudos they can get. (not to be selfish, but a few bones thrown at my stuff would be nice...)

re: kudos to old stories

Thanks for some updates, but did you know that the 1st Amendment within the news Tuesday integrated a story about the ALCU suing the Federal Communications Commission over net neutrality? Also within the news is a First Amendment challenge by Internet suppliers to an obscenity law obstructing content deemed harmful to minors from grownups as well. But what drew the most attention was the lack of 1st Amendment knowledge exhibited by O'Donnell, a Republican Senate candidate from Delaware, in a debate held Tuesday.

To KUDOS or not to KUDOS

WebDeb's picture

I suffer a very big dilema after most stories i read on B.G.To be too trigger happy on the button is so easy to do after reading an entertaining story.
However I would not be honest to myself,or other readers nor the authors if I was freely pressing the kudos button.Therefore I refrain from using button unless a particular story keeps coming to mind several days after I have read it.
A bit like a song that keeps coming back into one's head uninvited if you will.
When this happens I revisit the story and give it the well earned KUDOS it deserves.
All respect to the inventive authors and the KUDOS button.