What ever happened to Wendy J................or am I opening a can of worms?

What ever happened to Wendy J................or am I opening a can of worms?

I'm cleaning up my Story folder, and begain to re-read Wendy J's Midnight downloads. Now, "I think" (sure with what?) I'm one of the fortunate, to have the complete sreies "I hope," 01-50 and was wondering if Wendy was ever going to come back and write more! Now from what I've found at Sapphires and what I've heard Wendy, snapped when George Bush, got re-elected. I don't know if its true, but if it is true then I feel sad when someone goes coocoo for cocopuffs. Now I figured I'm opening up a can of worms, but what the hay I'm bored and don't have anything better to do. So dose anyone have the 411 on this subject?

"May the schwartz Be With You!"

"We" are not amused!
"We are Nucken Futs"

So, let it be written

So, let it Be Done!!
(Yul Bryner)