Dear Forum Moderator:
I am interested in announcing to your readers the availability of an erotic science fiction novel published recently---a novel having transgender content. For advanced information on the novel please refer to the following URL: The title is "If I Knew Then: A Nightmare Becomes Reality."
Your advice will be appreciated.
Carleton Heaviside, Author
P.S. Having posted a similar message to the hyperboard at, I received three replies, the first a request for the story’s synopsis, which is as follows:
Ted Dawson, the CEO of a high-tech engineering company, is kidnaped by a deviant genius and coerced into authoring a graphic adult novel based on his warped captor's erotic and lurid fantasies of age regression, sexual compulsion, teleported brain exchanges, programmed dreaming, and involuntary transgenderism. How the beleaguered victim of this neo-SciFi odyssey attempts to escape from his kidnapper's devilish Shangri-La takes SciFi into disturbing but fascinating new territory.
The following message was posted by a second Fictionmania reader:
"I checked Amazon and it looks like everyone here who likes a complicated, multifaceted sci-fi story with a lot of bodyswapping, both gender and non gender related, should check this one out! If it really has 400+ pages of stories and multiple methods of mind relocation as the sample pages indicate, then give the author some support and buy his book! I intend to!"
The Amazon catalogue listing for the novel has three reader reviews of which two have been posted thus far. The link is
The third reader responding to my announcement suggested my posting this announcement to the BigClosetTopShelf web site, which is what I have done here.
The book can be purchased directly from our web site,, Barnes&, and is also available through the wholesalers Ingram and Baker & Taylor. I can be contacted at [email protected].
Carleton Heaviside, Author