A line in "Ginny's Story" by Karen Lockhart (a nice read, a sequel to "Gene's Story", recommended) caught my attention:
now you need everyday underwear. One pair, one day around here,
Do T-girls change their underwear every day?
I change mine on a "need to", or maybe "ought to" basis.
Foe those of us who are 24/7
or going through RLT, most definitely. I keep 7 pair of undies, 3 sports and 2 underwire bras, as well as camis, slips, etc., and change when I bathe each morning. A girl should always strive to be clean and fresh. It's in the handbook somewhere. If you're not full-time, however, it depends on usage and material the undies are made of. Natural fibers tend to absorb moisture and body fluids (sweat, etc.), and may prove breeding grounds for nasty bacteria and fungi, so changing after use is pretty much a given. Synthetics don't seem to have that problem, but I'd still recommend a change after 6 hours or so.
*Kisses Always*
Haylee V
It's good to be a disgusting male...sometimes :)
Ahem - shouldn't the polite/PC term be "alternatively clean", "differently groomed" or something like that?
Haylee V:
Thank you for the insight
If you read the reviews on FM
apparently some have to change underwear frequently - especially while reading
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FM still exists? And some people still read stuff there?
Shakes head in amazement.
Is that the site dedicated to "forced feminisaton" fanfics?
Actually it's the one
That always has TMI
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Change daily
Even when I was lying to myself about my gender, I changed my underwear every day. I can't imagine anyone wearing the same underwear for more than one day who isn't homeless and simply doesn't have clean underwear to change into.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
What's the frequency, Kenneth?
Someone had to say it. :P
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I do not understand
Erin, is your reply idiomatic?
I'm an EFL person and I don't get it ...