It has become evident that I don't know what the dates and stories on the Track pages represent.
On my page the stories listed have practically never corresponded to stories I've read recently, though I'm reasonably sure they're all stories I once read, sometimes many years back. I'd figured they were stories that had been edited or had new comments attached since the last time I was there.
But I've occasionally looked up other people's pages to see if they're still checking in occasionally on the site even if they haven't written anything lately. The answers seemed plausible: every few months, for example, for Anistasia Allread, and about once a month for Saless.
Then I checked Stanman's page tonight to see if I could determine when he died. It shows a whole page of appearances in the past five days. I looked up a few more: Beth Williams, Holly Hart, Darla Raspberry and Wren Phoenix all seem to have been making posthumous appearances lately according to their Track pages. (None of the stories listed are recent ones, however.)
Obviously those listings don't work the way I thought they did. An explanation would be welcome.
Thanks, Eric
Tracking pages
It seems as though something gets added to your track list whenever you post something or comment on it, whether it is a comment to your own posting or to someone else's.
From that point on, the track page will notify you if anyone else has added a comment to that posting. That means you get to see replies and other messages by others.
The track list is sorted by date and time of the most recent comments to each posting, in descending order. That means that fresh comments bubble to the top.
On the other hand, I have noticed 'flags' against entries such as 'new' or 'updated' and I don't know what they might mean. I suspect that some of the 'updated' entries mean that someone had kudo'ed that posting since you last looked at it, but I don't really know.
There are several users (no names) who comment ...
... and then later update their comment. They either add to that comment, or correct typos or whatever.
These then come out in the track list with the 'updated' tag.
I also saw that I had inconsistencies in my headings, so I went through every single one, making them all the same. They also came out on my track list as 'updated'.
'New' appears to mean that the entity is new, although just sometimes, very very occasionally, I have updated one of my stories for a typo or to slip it into another hierarchical level or something, and the 'new' mention comes up rather than the 'updated' one.