The Fall of the Race of Man

So...I had this idea bouncing around in my head. Given my lack of focus for the last several years, I doubt I'll do anything with it, but I thought it would be interesting to put it out there for some discussion--maybe get some ideas to refine the concept or something, but mostly as a thought exercise. ^_^;

The Premise:

A mutagenic virus has swept over the planet, but only women have been affected. They get mild flu-like symptoms followed by a relatively harmless mutation...they grow a fully functional penis, becoming a fully functional hermaphrodite of the Futanari (w/ no external testicles) variety, with a bi-sexual orientation. Every woman is effected.

Now, being a particular fan of M2F and of futanari, this is where most Futa manga and hentai loses me, since the Futa almost always starts out genetic female. So the above premise wouldn't engage me as it is, so:

While men are unaffected by the virus, if they were to take a load of futanari semen internally, either orally or anally, they would also change into futanari though a much more traumatic process; the changes have to be much more extensive, after all.

Futanari are fully capable of fathering a child or becoming pregnant and giving birth. All babies born post-virus are also futanari. Men have become pretty much a superfluous, doomed evolutionary dead-end; once the current generation dies off or is assimilated there will be no more.

That's the premise. Here's some things I'd like to discuss:

--How would the majority of men react to the realization that they are no longer necessary to propagate the species? Naturally, many TG fiction readers would probably be actively seeking to be converted. Some men might be pressured into it by their wives or girlfriends. But what about the apologetically masculine-types?

--How would cultures that oppress women deal with their immanent doom? Sure they might forcibly remove women's penises (extreme female circumcision?), but since all babies born will also be futanari, this will not save them.

--How will the world governments react? What programs will be started to save the male species? Will they work once women realize they no longer need to put up with macho bullshit to continue the human race?

--I was thinking of having the futanari have a stronger desire to penetrate or be penetrated based on their menstrual cycle. I.E.: They want to be penetrated when they are ovulating, but want to do the penetrating when on their period. Also, when ovulating, they would find it more difficult to become erect and would produce significantly lower sperm counts then when they are on their period. Converse to how it is currently with females, two futanari living together would tend to have opposite cycles instead of the cycles moving to match.

Feel free to bring up any other aspects that you feel might be interesting or relevant. I hope at least some folks find this topic as interesting as I do.

Also, the idea I had based on the premise begins with a wife pressuring her husband to let her have sex with him. He firmly refuses each time, even when she offers to wear a condom, even when she says she won't let him penetrate her unless he returns the favor. Eventually, she gets resentful, ruffies him, rapes him (without a condom), and leaves him. When he wakes up, he has to deal with the consequences and his impending conversion.

If any one wants to use the premise for their own story, I'd like to read it. ^_^



BTW...My favorite version of the Futanari is the type with no external testicles and whose penis retracts internally when the futa isn't aroused. This would be the type used in the story.